GD Knowledge Base & Dev Chats Topic

Developer Chat #8 (JConte)Wednesday, August 02, 2006 at 2:00 PM EST.
The purpose of this chat is to answer any questions that you may have regarding Gridiron Dynasty -- recruiting, game planning, upcoming features, etc.
Any chance that we could eventually see something like they have in the NBA sim, where players can play other positions at a varying effectiveness? i.e. A RB can play WR at 97% effect. and be put into the depth chart at that position. (deandg - Hall of Famer - 2:00 PM)This is not something that we are currently looking at adding (that doesn't mean it has been ruled out). Basketball and football are fundamentally different in this regard -- lineup variations require players to play various positions in basketball, but in football players do not play out of position when another formation is used, they are subbed out of the game for the correct players. Players sometimes play multiple positions in football, but it is not nearly as common as in basketball.
Why is it that DBs are never allowed to have their hands raise above 70 (unless you convert from an offensive position)? I've recruited a lot of them and none ever see any improvement to their hands. After looking at other teams it seems to be universal. (deandg - Hall of Famer - 2:03 PM)All positions have caps for various rating categories, but I don't know what they are off hand. I think the hands cap for DBs is higher, but as you approach the limit, improvements come a lot more slowly. Also, the only players that can ever reach the cap are those that have 100 potential ratings (they can reach 100% of the max rating) and not many players have this high of a rating.
What is the minumum required loyalty to move to DI-AA? (longhornsfan - Veteran - 2:05 PM)Loyalty (like reputation) is displayed as a letter grade based upon the range your numeric rating falls into. The min. for DIAA is a 90 --- this is the absolute highest B+ you can have.
Do the aggressiveness settings on defense dictate the type of defense, i.e., is aggressive defense man-to-man while conservative is zone? Does aggressiveness on offense dictate the type of play, i.e., is an aggressive run a sweep while a conservative run is a running play that goes between the tackles? (natas46 - All*Star - 2:07 PM)No, it dictates how often you blitz, jump routes for interception attempts, try to strip the football, etc. On offense, it dictates your running style (outside/inside) and the types of routes that are run in the p***ing game along with the decisions your QB makes (forcing p***es deep).
There seems to be a considerable loss of interest in GD. Top coaches are leaving the game due to lack of improvements and progress. Are there any plans in place to try and regain a spark? (mumcoach - Hall of Famer - 2:11 PM)I know some coaches have or are planning on leaving who have played for a while, but we see coaches decide not to renew on all levels every season. I feel like the game has seen several large changes/improvements over the past several months (coach firings, defensive game plans) as well as some smaller changes -- large changes to the game simply cannot be accomplished quickly or in a rushed manner. We are currently working on individual player records by season as well as modifications to reward point distributions to encourage coaches to move up divisions and reward success at the more challenging upper levels.
Will advanced depth charts ever be expanded to more than the current 6 slots? It seems like such a simple change (especially compared to something like the advanced defensive settings). (pds65 - Hall of Famer - 2:14 PM)If it were simple, it would already be done. This is a major change to the inner workings of the sim engine -- it is more than simply allowing you to set 7, 8, 9, etc. players at a position through the user interface. Yes, more spots will be added, but we have had other, higher priority things to work on to this point.
In my mind recruiting needs some help. Why don't you tier the recruits in DIA like you do in IAA? For example- the elite teams should have access to all top prospects, but a team that went 2-11 the year before shoulnd't. (jamier2003 - Hall of Famer - 2:15 PM)Why not? Why shouldn't a 2-11 team be able to improve itself against the other DIA teams? I don't see a reason to restrict this.
Who is responsible for covering the most targeted TE or WR? For example if I target my TE with 99 distribution and everyone else with 1, will the other teams #1 DB or #1 LB cover him? What about if I target the #2 WR with 99 distribution and everyone else with 1? Thanks. (mjmage - Hall of Famer - 2:17 PM)This really depends upon the formations the offense and defense are in. Normally, the TE will be matched up against a LB, but if there is a "free" DB, then he will cover him instead. Also, this could be effected by whether or not the defense blitzes.
How many plays (estimated) can I expect an OL with either 40, 50, 60 Stamina respectively with 80% effectiveness to play? P***ing only vs Running only plays? thanks. (mjmage - Hall of Famer - 2:20 PM)This is impossible to answer accurately as there are too many variables that come into play --- how long are the offensive series? How long do they get to rest while the defense is on the field? How tired are they when they get halftime rest? --- and I don't have the fatigue formula on hand. I would suggest experimenting with your settings until you get the substitution pattern you are after.
I understand that currently the DL and LBs function as units during gameplay. Has there been any thought of further refining this, by differentiating within these positions with DE/DT and ILB/OLB? (tdneu - All*Star - 2:21 PM)We do not currently have plans to make you specifiy exact positions across the line -- we feel this would make the game too cumbersome.
Have the requirements for moving from DIII to DII been reduced recently? (PitchToBarry - Pro - 2:23 PM)As per the release notes, yes. Very successful DIII coaches were choosing not to move up to DII, so we had to allow for other coaches to move up in their place. The most qualified applicant for the job will still be the one hired if multiple coaches apply.
Everyone knows what paranoid and his recruiting rankings add to Gridiron Dynasty. I know people who won't play in Heisman because there are no paranoid rankings. You guys give any thought to a more formal relationship with perry and his paranoid account to guarantee that they don't just disappear because perry gets over-taxed or bored? (dublinuf - Hall of Famer - 2:24 PM)No, but we're always willing to talk to users about improving the game.
Will disciplinary problems be implemented in the game? In other words, right now the only issue is late for practice, and it serves as a beneficial tool for coaches. Will you put in other problems and have a cost/benefit to punishing/not punishing players? Thanks. (wunsche - Hall of Famer - 2:25 PM)Yes, we will eventually add more to this aspect of the game. It is simply far down the priority list right now.
All recruits start off undecided until recruited (even by Sims). In real life, Kids want to play at certains schools. Any chance of changing recruiting to reflect the fact that students may start off leaning toward a certain school(s)? (jptrainwreck - Hall of Famer - 2:28 PM)We have thought about this, but we also like the "open" nature of recruiting now where all schools have an equal chance at the player without outside influences like this. No absolute decisions have been made.
You keep saying what's far down on the priorities. What's high up right now? In other words, what are the next two or three improvements we will see? (ebbetts55 - Hall of Famer - 2:31 PM)Like I said in another response, we are currently working on individual player records and advancement incentives. Other high priority items are expanding the depth charts, modified scheduling, and expanded rosters in some form (non-scholarship players, practice squad are possible here).
Thanks for taking the time to post your questions, comments and suggestions.
This chat session has ended.Please check for our next scheduled session in the Upcoming Chat List.
For more information or to start your dynasty, visit the
Gridiron Dynasty home page.
7/6/2008 11:04 AM
Developer Chat #9 (JConte)Friday, September 08, 2006 at 3:30 PM EST.
The purpose of this chat is to answer any questions that you may have regarding Gridiron Dynasty -- recruiting, game planning, upcoming features, etc.
Are you increasing the number of DI-A recruits in Florida? Are you increasing the number of DI-A linemen? O or D? (jeffkahleb - Hall of Famer - 3:31 PM)We will be introducing a change to recruit distribution (number) that will allow for a more realistic representation of real life recruit distribution. For example, states like Texas, California, and Florida will see a jump in the number of recruits (our research indicates these 3 states account for around 40% of all recruits in real life) while other states will see a decline in the available number of recruits. In all cases, the percentage of recruits from a state will closely match the real life numbers. This is for the NUMBER of recruits only and does not guarantee the talent available --- the talent is randomly distributed amongst the recruits. However, it stands to reason that with an increase in the number of recruits, the talent in those states will also go up. The number of OL and DL within the recruiting cl*** will also increase.
what changes are in store for the near future and what is the approx ETA. (plague - Hall of Famer - 3:34 PM)Along with the recruiting change above, an update to how the job status is adjusted for non-elite DIA BCS teams will be included. Other changes with this next release are the introduction of individual player records across the world and a modification to the reward points issued at each level of play.
It seems that the distribution of whom makes tackles in GD if skewed toward the DL and away from Defensive back. On most real teams, Safeties are among the leaders in tackles. But in GD, I have had seasons where the #3 and #4 defensive backs have less than 10 tackles in a season. I think this causes the importance of DL to be inflated and DBs to be deflated. Maybe if #3 and #4 DBs helped more in run support, running games would be easier to keep in check, especially if you play “always run” (jptrainwreck - Hall of Famer - 3:35 PM)I don't have any research in front of me on this topic, so it's hard for me to comment at this time.
Will a component for team improvement be added to the firing criteria? For example, taking a 1 win BCS team to 7 wins keeps your status the same, knowing in future years you need to win a bowl or lose status? (treyomo - Hall of Famer - 3:36 PM)This is something that we have thought about incorporating into the process. However, I want to see how the new change works out (non-elite BCS mentioned above) for a few seasons before making a decision.
We are seeing teams in D1A (Leahy) in particular making it to bowl games and the only teams they beat are sim coached teams. Will there be anything done to give more credit to beating humans coaches? This is a very unfair advantage. (buffalo_rob - Hall of Famer - 3:38 PM)No. It is not the fault of these coaches that they are playing sim coached teams. SOS plays a role in rankings and bowl selections and if the sim teams they play are really that bad, their SOS will suffer.
Are there any plans to make staying at DIII and just running a superteam every year less attractive? (swamphawk22 - Hall of Famer - 3:39 PM)Yes. We will be adjusting the reward point structure so that winning at DIII will be far less lucrative than winning at the DIA level.
Please tell us you are announcing a d1 playoff format (blackmink18 - Hall of Famer - 3:40 PM)As soon as the NCAA institutes one.
If you had to pick an OL for Run stoppage, would you put a higher priority on Strength, Blocking or Technique? (alphaflight - Veteran - 3:41 PM)When looking at my OL, I always place priority on the blocking rating.
Are there any plans for more nuances from our seemingly mentally handicapped ***istant coaches? Any possibility of practice reports, gameplanning suggestions, or maybe the idiot could just stop scouting a punter in season EVERY Season? (pb9617 - Veteran - 3:42 PM)Nothing concrete, but we would like to make the ***istant coach a more integral part of the game in the future. This could include practice/game reports and game planning suggestions.
Why do you come to developer chats without information on the game in front of you? This type of answer is extremely frustrating. (huskerbob - All*Star - 3:43 PM)It would be impossible to have detailed research about every aspect of the game in front of me and easily accessible....sorry you don't see it that way.
At any point in the future, will there be a way to see how much our players have improved in given formations based on practice -- similar to the grades you can see on each offense and defense in HD. (dublinuf - Hall of Famer - 3:45 PM)This is one of the areas where the ***istant coach could be used more to give you this information. At the present time, you can get an idea by how successfully you execute your game plan and the number of penalties you are called for in a game.
are you going to add a 5th BCS bowl now that NCAA did? (plague - Hall of Famer - 3:46 PM)We'll be adding this in along with the new clock rules (even though I don't agree with them at all).
When will the recruiting distribution changes come into effect? (skelly s tea - Hall of Famer - 3:47 PM)It will hopefully be released next week.
Is there any rhyme or reason to Sim AI using different defense and offenses? (blackmink18 - Hall of Famer - 3:48 PM)Yes --- the sim teams will execute the offense/defense that best fits their players.
When are you gonna start coaching again, so I can whip your butt? (34jayhawk - Hall of Famer - 3:48 PM)Does Kanas have a football team?
What are you going to do when all the coach's outside of california, texas, and florida start crying about lack of recruits? (jeffkahleb - Hall of Famer - 3:50 PM)I don't think this will happen -- the new distribution will be very close to real life and I think they will understand that.
Can we expect to see some control in scheduling our out of conference opponents in the near future? (pb9617 - Veteran - 3:51 PM)I'm not sure what the next release (after the recruiting change, etc.) will be, but this is something that may be incorporated into it.
It seemed to me that there were fewer recruits in DII Camp for season 21 compared to season 20. Have you reduced the number of recruits available? (buffalo_rob - Hall of Famer - 3:51 PM)No, but the talent will vary from season to season.
How about being able to tell the ***istant coach which positions to scout in-season? It does me no good to have him scout a punter every season. (pttsbrghkid - Veteran - 3:52 PM)The ***istant coach will scout according to your needs as he sees it based upon your current roster. If you don't have a punter on your team, he'll keep scouting a punter each season. Allowing coaches to set the positions to scout is a possibility.
Based on the answer to the FLA, CA, Texas question, will you be putting in the capabilit y to search recruits by state, similar to Hoops Dynasty? (mazz993 - Veteran - 3:53 PM)The search options will remain unchanged with this release.
Why are the chats recently not announced. This one was anounced about 4 hours before it started, and the last one had less time. Is there a reson not to announce them the day before (swamphawk22 - Hall of Famer - 3:55 PM)I just realized this morning that I hadn't done a chat yet for September, so I scheduled it. The GD chats will always be the first week of the month and will show in the developer chat area as soon as they are scheduled. I'll try to post in the forums when the chat gets scheduled.
Have you altered the tiers of recruit vision? More teams into the top tier? (jeffkahleb - Hall of Famer - 3:56 PM)No, this is unchanged.
"We'll be adding this in along with the new clock rules (even though I don't agree with them at all)." This sounds like a terrible idea. There's already too few possessions per team each. Won't this make the problem worse? (pds65 - Hall of Famer - 3:57 PM)We'll make sure to get the timing as accurate as possible with the update.
We have noticed SIM teams rosters are getting better. Is this a fluke or did you adjust their recruiting AI. (swamphawk22 - Hall of Famer - 3:58 PM)The way in which the sim teams recruit has not changed.
Where does the blocking back go in the depth chart? (jeffkahleb - Hall of Famer - 3:58 PM)The blocking back is the FB and is the last listed RB in the game for the formation.
Have you found any bugs concerning the duplication of recruits? (blackmink18 - Hall of Famer - 3:59 PM)There has been an issue with this and I think we have found a fix for it that will be incorporated into the next update.
How does it hurt that some of us like to stay at D-III? There is a large number of very good coaches in Camp D-III that have been there for a very long time. (fastec27 - Hall of Famer - 4:01 PM)New coaches get discouraged when they jump into a DIII team only to find out they'll be facing a coach that has been playing for 10+ seasons and has a nearly unbeatable team. This causes a lot of the new coaches to quit and that is not good for the game.
Thanks for taking the time to post your questions, comments and suggestions.
7/6/2008 11:04 AM
Developer Chat #10 (JConte)Wednesday, October 04, 2006 at 2:00 PM EST.
The purpose of this chat is to answer any questions that you may have regarding Gridiron Dynasty -- recruiting, game planning, upcoming features, etc.
Can you disclose any information on the recruiting cost update? What will the changes be? (jeffkahleb - Hall of Famer - 2:00 PM)The new cost structure is based upon 4 distinct distance categories --- driving distance (under 180 miles; 3 hours from campus), driving distance with a hotel stay (181 - 360 miles; 6 hours from campus), regional flight with hotel and rental car (361 - 1400 miles), and national flight with hotel and rental car (more than 1400 miles). This causes price jumps when you break into a new category, but relatively slow cost growth within each category. I think this is a very realistic model. To help you quantify what this means, here's a breakdown comparing old costs to new costs for 2 ast scouts, 2 head scouts, 1 ast visit, 1 head visit, and 1 campus visit (distance/old/new): 100/2700/2568, 250/4220/3456, 500/8439/5660, 750/10125/5913, 1000/10125/6171, 1500/10125/8403, ...
Anything definitive on long-distance recruiting changes (i.e., when they will be instituted, distance thresholds, expenses, etc.)? (jjgasp - All*Star - 2:01 PM)The cost structure changes will be in place for the start of the recruiting period in Bryant, the first world to recruit under the recruit distribution changes put in place several weeks back.
The down/distance settings for defense were a nice addition, thank you, but are there any plans (and if so, could you specify) to further empower the defense to enable a lower rated team to have a shot in each and every game with good gameplanning? (randallball - Hall of Famer - 2:03 PM)There are not any current plans, however, if you have ideas surrounding this I'd be happy to hear them -- you can send them in through the support system.
My biggest gripe with GD is the way owners can grab squads that are esssentially "guaranteed winners" Other coaches have spent years toiling in the conference to build a 10-3 type team, but here comes either a cherry picker or a guy from a lower cl*** and he is suddenly the coach of a team that finished 16-1 last year and has all of those built in advantages. Is there any thought about stopping that practice or at least lowering the HUGE advantage these cherry pickers get? (kannc6 - All*Star - 2:06 PM)The job application/consideration process is designed to make coaches take over the lower level schools when moving up. This is accomplished (or attempted) by bumping up the requirements for taking the jobs at good schools. However, you can only bump those requirements so far and a very good coach can still take over a very good school (it more difficult at the elite DIA level). I don't necessarily have a problem with this though because good schools attract good coaches in real life.
What is the possibility of WIS providing, or is it in the works to provide, a recruiting search engine that would search for combinations of stats that the coach would input...(example) Strength >40, Speed >60....? (oneomocron - Rookie - 2:09 PM)We currently have a lot of our resources tied up with a major HD release in the coming months -- likely late November to early December release -- including myself. After this release, those resources will by shifted to GD for a major release 2-3 months after. The exact contents of this release are not final, but the recruiting center search will be addressed as well as many other additions.
Where does the blocking back go in the depth chart? (jeffkahleb - Hall of Famer - 2:10 PM)The blocking back or fullback goes in the last spot on the depth chart for the given formation. For example, in I-Formation this would be the 2nd RB spot on the depth chart.
In the Bryant World we have definitely seen a decrease in the number of quality of recruits, specifically at OL and RB. Was this a concentrated effort by WIS to shift the game from being so run heavy? If so, are there any plans to make more D-IA caliber QB's available? (randallball - Hall of Famer - 2:13 PM)The quality of recruits was unchanged and actually the number of OL/DL (percentage of the recruiting pool) was increased. The distribution changes that were put in place starting with Bryant were for the number of recruits from each location in the country only. The talent is still randomly distributed across the recruiting pool. This means that a recruit from Anchorage, Alaska has just as good of a chance of being a 5-star recruit as a recruit from Austin, Texas or Miami, Florida, etc.
with the new long distance recruiting changes soon to come into play will there be changes to recruiting that does not involve pricing? if so, any advanced hints so we can prepare ahead of time? (plague - Hall of Famer - 2:16 PM)In the next major release I spoke of earlier, I would like to incorporate a time constraint for recruiting...possibly in the form of a time pool that would work much like the budget. This would add another layer of strategy to recruiting.
what is the estimated time that the statistics record book will be implemented? also the new reward point system? any other changes on the horizon? (plague - Hall of Famer - 2:17 PM)I believe our date is October 17th to release both.
When the new player stat tracking update comes out, will it begin tracking stats then, or has it been tracking already and will have some history already provided? (34jayhawk - Hall of Famer - 2:18 PM)It has been tracking stats for several seasons at this point.
Is the rumor about the elimination of carryover true (swamphawk22 - Hall of Famer - 2:19 PM)I don't think we will eliminate the carryover, but chances are very good that we will be limiting it in the near future.
Have you done a recent review of your home field advantage logic? It seems that winning any road game against a good coach is almost impossible. I agree there should be some level of advantage for the home team, but the 60%/40% number seems high, from what I've seen. (carpediem33 - Hall of Famer - 2:22 PM)No, we have not....perhaps it is time to take another look.
In general game plan, would it be possible to add an option for a 2 minute offense when in the lead? I.E., a single check box you can select that says "Adjust the game plan tendencies to _____ and styles to _____when up by ___ or more with less than ___ minutes remaining." This would give the option of going 100% run late in games. (treyomo - Hall of Famer - 2:24 PM)I won't rule it out, but the problem with adding more and more explicit situational controls is that it makes the game even more time consuming and sometimes confusing. Football has so many unique situations that once you start going down this path it is hard to say where you should stop. Sorry, I know this answer sucks, but I couldn't be more on the fence with this issue.
Have you looked into why kickers miss so many extra points and are there any plans of correcting this? This seems to be a point of contention with most coaches. (buffalo_rob - Hall of Famer - 2:26 PM)I think the success rate of kickers is actually very close to reality when you look at the numbers.
In 12 seasons at DIA, I've gone 15-0 five times without playing for the NC. I'm not pushing for the playoffs, but I'd like to have some control over this. (When) Are we going to get user-selected OOC games, or at least the 5-8 split? (rlahann - Hall of Famer - 2:30 PM)Again, this is something that I want to incorporate into the next major release. As a side note, I would love to implement a playoff system for DIA and wish there was one in real life. But I feel like taking that step removes too much of the "simulation of real life college football" aspect and also eliminates a lot of the "every game means something" mentality that makes college football great.
What is the rationale for having a coaches reputation take a hit every time a SIM AI recruited player is cut? It seems to handcuff those that want to turn a program around quickly and move on in a couple years. (nwurth - Hall of Famer - 2:32 PM)If a coach comes into a new program and immediately cuts several players, his reputation amongst his players is absolutely damaged and recruits will also consider these actions when deciding to attend.
Thanks for taking the time to post your questions, comments and suggestions.
This chat session has ended.Please check for our next scheduled session in the Upcoming Chat List.
For more information or to start your dynasty, visit the
Gridiron Dynasty home page.
7/6/2008 11:05 AM
Developer Chat #11 (JConte)Thursday, November 09, 2006 at 2:00 PM EST.
The purpose of this chat is to answer any questions that you may have regarding Gridiron Dynasty -- recruiting, game planning, upcoming features, etc.
Are you continuing to look at and tweak the firing process? It seems like it's still too strict in DIA for BCS teams. A) In the real world, many of the coaches fired would never have been fired with the record they had and b) what good is firing a coach only to have the team go SIM? Using WIS logic in real-life Bear Bryant, Bobby Bowden and Joe Paterno would all have been fired multiple times. (rc1990 - Hall of Famer - 2:02 PM)We are continually looking at this aspect of the game and making changes when we see something needs to be changed. For example, the expectations of the school based upon success over the past several seasons are not currently considered -- the expectations should be a part of the decision and this modification is something we are working on implementing. Also, real life coaches have a sort of "grace period" with a new school to get things going which doesn't currently exist in GD --- this will likely be added in as well. As for letting teams go SIM, if a qualified coach applies to the school, he'll get hired on...but we don't want to start dropping standards just to prevent a SIM coached season.
When is WIS going to set up like the "real" new bowl system? You know the four BCS Bowls plus the one Championship Game. Thanks, Rich (richramirez - Hall of Famer - 2:03 PM)Once we see how things work out the first time through this season, we'll look at adding it into GD.
Does WIS plan to drop the Big East from a BCS Automatic bid to the BCS Bowls, like the "real" system does now? Thanks, ~Rich (richramirez - Hall of Famer - 2:04 PM)Ummm....the Big East is still a BCS conference with an automatic bid.
With regards to negative runs, it is currently very difficult, at best, to produce these on a consistent basis, even when beating up on a sim 84-0. I'm not asking for a lot, but seeing an occasional play get stuffed in the backfield for a 5 yard loss or 3 yard loss a couple times a game would sure be nice... (breum - Hall of Famer - 2:07 PM)I agree that you don't see the runs for a loss as often as you should, but it isn't a simple flag in the engine to increase the frequency. All plays are simulated from start to finish based upon matchups to get the result -- with the right matchups, you can produce runs for a loss. We have increased defensive effectiveness over the life of the game and will continue to do so to get the most realistic results possible...but it is a slow process.
I think it's apparent to those who have looked at it that Defensive Backs don't make nearly as many tackles in GD as they do in real college football. Especially safeties, who usually help in run support (in real life). Is this issue due to some sort of mis-allocation of tackles in the game engine, or due to the fact that Defensive backs don’t help in run support in the game engine? The inflated AVG per carry of RB’s here make me think it is the latter. Thanks & keep up the good work. (jptrainwreck - Hall of Famer - 2:11 PM)DBs should get more tackles and their low tackles is a result of how each running play is simulated. First the engine looks at overall offensive and defensive formation effectiveness then moves on to line matchups. Based upon these matchups, the DLs can make the play or not....if the ball carrier gets past, then the LBs get a shot....finally the DBs. If you have good DLs and LBs, the ball carrier never makes to the DBs....low tackle count. I think part of the solution would be the addition of run blitzes and pulling the DBs up more when playing the run on defense.
Any chance we could add a defense like the goaline defense? Much greater chance to stop the short yardage run but also a lot greater risk of giving up a big p*** play. Thanks, ~Rich (richramirez - Hall of Famer - 2:12 PM)I would eventually like to add more offensive and defensive formations to the game, but it is honestly a low priority right now.
for OL, among the ratings of Strength, block, and Tech, which attribute is the most important for run-blocking, and which one is for p***-blocking? Or are they all equally important. (DKC - Hall of Famer - 2:13 PM)The blocking rating for OL is the most important attribute in both run and p*** blocking.
I know athleticism is a multiplier for the other categories, but how much? Does it differ by position? Please don't answer which running back is the blocking back question for the umpteenth time, instead. (scoobybud - Hall of Famer - 2:16 PM)Athleticism is factored into every play that a player makes as a modifier to his rating for the given situation. In some instances, it is very important and in others it doesn't quite mean as the top of my head, I'd say it varies from 1/3 to 1/8 of the player rating for a given play.
will a RB tend to fumble more in a aggresive style than a conservative style? (plague - Hall of Famer - 2:18 PM)No -- how well your offense executes (missed block means a big hit) and the matchup between the ball carrier and the defender. Oh...and the last RB in the formation is the blocking back.
Will tiebreakers to determine Conference Championships ever be changed? In my opinion, it should follow real life and be head-to-head first instead of overall record. If someone wins head-to-head but lost OOC games to 2 tough humans while the other team beat 2 SIMs, it seems odd to me the better overall record goes to the CC. (rc1990 - Hall of Famer - 2:20 PM)Playing the current schedule, it will not be changed. I think once we move to a 5/8 type of schedule it will be changed at the same time to make the head-to-head result the first tie-breaker followed by overall record.
I saw a SimHockey link on the website, and I was wondering what's up with GD marketing. Do you guys market to football in general, or specifically college football? I'd think that many folks who'd like SimFootball would like GridIron Dynasty. (stevegamer - Pro - 2:21 PM)We are actually getting ready to make a marketing push (with FOX) for GD in December. Hopefully we'll see a good influx of new coaches.
Is there any possibility (short of the NCAA going to a playoff format) that WIS would create an alternate world or two that would have a DIA playoff? (natas46 - All*Star - 2:22 PM)We will not create an alternate world with a playoff system at the IA level.
Would you consider adding a feature where coaches could vote on Conference and All-American honors, based on nominations determined by the Sim? (bighoo93 - Hall of Famer - 2:23 PM)That's an interesting idea, but I'm not sure it would work.....consider it? Sure.
When figuring the distance in recruiting for an opponent is it as the crow flys or has that changed with the new recruiting? (fastec27 - Hall of Famer - 2:24 PM)"As the crow flies" --- we have the latitude/longitude location for each college and high school in the game and determine the distance based upon those locations.
You have mentioned some upcoming updates in prior dev chats. What is the tenative date for those to be rolled out and what do you anticipate being included in that next update? (natas46 - All*Star - 2:25 PM)Nothing has changed since last time....several months after the HD update goes out we'll get the GD update out.
I know there's supposed to be a major update coming in the next few months, but will there be any short term changes in the near future? If so, what and when? (ebbets55 - Hall of Famer - 2:26 PM)The short term changes we are working on right now are the firing updates I mentioned earlier in the chat.
Can you give a little more insight into your view on allowing coaches access to formation IQ for their teams? It is difficult to determine the effect practice time in a formation has on performance. Practice time could/should be a bigger part of the game, but most coaches cannot quantify what it does. Many coaches set their practice time at the beginning of the year and don't look at it again. (huskerbob - All*Star - 2:30 PM)It is a little difficult to determine the practice time effect on your team right now, but it is still an important aspect of the game. Your formation IQ or effectiveness will help determine your overall success (maybe you average 4.3 yards per carry w/ 15 minutes of practice time, but could get that up to 4.9 yards per carry w/ 20 minutes of practice time) and also greatly influences penalties (lots of penalties means you need more practice time). I would like to get some sort of ***istant coach report incorporated into the game that you would get after each game detailing how you did and his recommendations....perhaps I can work this into the next major release.
Thanks for taking the time to post your questions, comments and suggestions.
7/6/2008 11:05 AM
Developer Chat #12 (JConte)Wednesday, December 06, 2006 at 2:00 PM EST.
The purpose of this chat is to answer any questions that you may have regarding Gridiron Dynasty -- recruiting, game planning, upcoming features, etc.
Many people believe that "the squeaky wheel gets the grease", especially when it comes to the GD forums. Is there a better vetting system for huge changes like "carryover reform" other than simply trusting the developers? Or are there other ideas floating around that will allow veteran players to help test big changes in GD? (andynomore - Hall of Famer - 1:59 PM)I think the belief that "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" is not true. All the changes that we make to the game are done with the purpose to make the game better and more enjoyable for everyone. Do we listen to what users have to say? Of course we do, but the bottom line is that we always do what we feel is best for the game as a whole moving forward.
Does team practice carry over from season to season? (ttnorm - Hall of Famer - 2:00 PM)Yes, but there will always be some loss in the team areas in the offseason.
Would the ability for schools to be able to offer a coach a job be possible? Say Miami has 2 losing seasons and fires there coach and then offers a coach at Baylor the job after he has had sucess for 2 or 3 seasons. (saint66 - All*Star - 2:02 PM)This (the job change process) is not something that we are looking at changing. I believe the setup (applications) is good and allows for equal access to all available jobs.
will you consider changing the way fatigue is handled at half-time? Right now it seems as if too many players are coming back too tired at the start of the 2nd half. (dlayers - Hall of Famer - 2:06 PM)I'm not sure if players are coming back too tired -- I'd have to do more research in this area. However, I think a lot of coaches set their effective percents so high that it is nearly impossible for their players to play much in the second half. I see many, many coaches set players at 85% or 90%. Remembering that players do not re-enter the game until 5% above their settings, how easy will it be for these players to play in the second half? ...start out at 95% rested after playing a full half?
are there any plans to further tweak the recruit distribution (either location-wise, quantity-wise, or quality-wise)? It seems that the distribution alone has turned Cal into an elite. (therunandgun - Pro - 2:08 PM)No. I have made some changes to the distribution since this latest update that have put the numbers (location and quality across all divisions) in what I feel is a very good spot for the game moving forward. I don't think further changes will be necessary.
will FOX be promoting GID during their BCS coverage? (therunandgun - Pro - 2:09 PM)I hope so, but I have no control over it. We are going to be heavily promoted within their BCS Bowl Pick'em game currently running on
what are the heaviest factors that come into play when a player decides to leave school early for the NFL? which is most important of the three: stats, ratings, or # of starts? (dlayers - Hall of Famer - 2:12 PM)The biggest factors are the players ratings and his perceived value relative to all other players at his position that are eligible for the NFL draft. The reasoning here is that if the player is rated in the top several players at any given position, he would be a high draft choice and likely leave early. I think this is a realistic way to draw the initial pool of players considering early entry. Then the stats the player had this past season increase/decrease his chances of leaving. Finally, the player's personality adjusts his chances.
Are there plans to reintroduce the old FAQ, or at least make it available somewhere on your site? It seems that new players are having a heck of a time finding basic gaming information. (leppykahn - Hall of Famer - 2:14 PM)The FAQ is currently available -- simply go to the knowledge base by clicking Help at the top of any GD screen and then select Gridiron Dynasty from the category list and click Search. This will return all the information that was contained in the old FAQ. All the information is still available, it is simply easier to search for information now.
recruiting question, i have this dream that recruits consider other things instead of just money, like a player might have a favorite school, or a high GPA player might want to play at Stanford, etc, etc....thoughts on this as a possibilty? (plague - Hall of Famer - 2:18 PM)Even though it seems contrary to popular belief, recruits do not look at the money spent at all -- the actual dollar amount spent is the by-product of building interest and a way to limit a coach's recruiting efforts during the recruiting period (create decisions, strategy, etc.). This interest is gained based upon the timing of actions, the type of actions, the prestige level of the school, and the coach doing the recruiting (success, experience, reputation, and loyalty). I don't know if adding in an arbitrary favorite school for a recruit, etc. would be a good thing at this time, but I won't rule anything out.
Any plans to add a 2-minute offensive setting, so that a team that is leading can use the clock more and be more cautious in the gameplan? (tmd39 - Hall of Famer - 2:20 PM)The sim engine will automatically try to shorten the game by calling the most run oriented plays available within the game plan when in this situation. We have not added additional options such as this because we do not want to have too many settings and configurations and cause the game to become tedious to play.
Are there any plans to update the engine that determines the All-American teams? (disaacs - All*Star - 2:23 PM)The weighting of some of the factors used in determing the All-American teams may be a little off at this point, but this is something that is further down the list of future updates. While on the subject, the number of games a player starts has a large impact on these selections and I think this is something that is overlooked/confusing to people when they look at the selections. If a player only starts 2 of 13 games he is most definitely not going to be selected -- even if he rushes for 3000 yards and 40 TDs.
Do audibles exist? Specifically, if I run an offensive set that is "balanced" which has been stated is 50-50 run/p***, is the type of play pre-determined in the huddle or can the QB change it by what defense he sees? There seems to be some correlation to types of plays called in my balanced sets versus the type of defense I see. Am I completely off on this? (huskerbob - All*Star - 2:24 PM)No, audibles do not exist. The "play" is called prior to the offense (QB) seeing the defense and is run each time without changes.
Supposidly HD is looking to January for the Graphics update, any word when GD will be ready for it? (blackmink18 - Hall of Famer - 2:27 PM)Most of our resources will be/are working on the HD update. When that update is completed, the plan is for those resources to shift to GD for a large update (both look and features/game play). The GD update will likely have around a 3 month schedule and therefore be released 3 months after the HD update. (I don't make the schedules or ***ign resources, so this is just my best guess.)
Are there plans to allow us to better judge player fatigue throughout the game? It seems it is currently impossible, especially for the non-skill positions like OL. An idea would be to allow us to click on each play and see who was on the field -- (barbam - Pro - 2:29 PM)Yes, this is absolutely something that I want to get incorporated into the play-by-play (along with who is on the field for each play).....I'm just not sure how to do it without destroying the "readability" of the boxscore and do it in such a way that the information is easily usable.
Does your discipline rating have any meaningful consequence in the game? (wayllander - Veteran - 2:30 PM)Right now, nope. The more lenient you are, the less disciplined your team will be moving forward.
Thanks for taking the time to post your questions, comments and suggestions.
7/6/2008 11:05 AM
Developer Chat #13 (JConte)GD v2.0 - Part 1Thursday, August 30, 2007 at 9:00 AM EST.
GD v2.0 has been rolled out and this is the place to discuss the changes, ask questions, and have your suggestions for future changes heard.
In Bryant for example, can you publish an updated schedule for season & recruiting with the actual dates things will be taking place? thx. (kev959 - All*Star - 7:57 AM)All worlds are being pushed back exactly 1 week. The state of all worlds this past Monday when the game was frozen will be the exact state of the worlds when play resumes. I have moved the dates a couple days already and will continue to move dates every day in order to maintain the same state of the worlds. The end result is that the games originally scheduled for August 28th will now be played on September 4th and all other dates in each world will be moved to coincide with this change.
In GD 1.0, we could edit the URL for a recruit search to change the distance (to a custom distance, other than the default distance) or to increase the number of returned results, or "matches", up to 15,000 so we could see ALL the recruits at once. This functionality does not appear to be there anymore. Could we possibly get that added back? It was a great help to enterprising recruiters who wished to do more in-depth searches than the provided engine gave us. (gt9766b - Hall of Famer - 8:00 AM)We will definitely not be bringing back a situation where you could modify the URL to manipulate results. However, we could change recruiting further based upon feedback. The bottom line is that we want all aspects of the game to be fun and if further changes are necessary, we'll make them.
It looks like numerous coaches have concerns about the recruiting search. We are going to evaluate the search in place along with the feedback we have received and make some changes --- look for those to come out over the next couple of days. With this in mind, I'm going to hold off on answering any more questions surrounding the recruiting search. ( Moderator - 8:37 AM)
Have there been any changes to the level of practice times that will invoke "law of diminishing returns"? (kev959 - All*Star - 8:38 AM)No -- the way in which practice effects players/teams has not changed at all with the update.
In game planning. Do the "active 1" and "active 2" settings, when activated, override the "winning" and "losing" game plan or are they both active under those same winning/losing and time settings? (overs - Hall of Famer - 8:47 AM)They do not override --- you can have all 5 game plans active for a game or just the top 3 (Main, Winning, Losing). When the game is played, the sim will use the most restrictive settings that the situation fulfills. For example, if your Winning game plan line is set to by 1 with 15 minutes remaining, the Optional 1 to winning by 7 with 8 minutes remaining, and Optional 2 set to winning by 14 with 5 minutes remaining and you are ahead by 14 with 4 minutes , the sim will choose the Optional 2 game plan.
From what I've read, the game engine hasn't changed, we just get to see more information from it. Is that true? And a follow up question - The engine hasn't changed the effectiveness (or ineffectiveness) of "out of position" players, correct? (hlbart - Hall of Famer - 8:50 AM)The game engine has changed substantially in the areas of game planning (play calling), substitution patterns (fatigue), and general game decision making. (Yes, out of position players have an increased penalty.)
Here are some details about the game plan changes that everyone may not be aware of: There are 5 default game plans and you can create up to 10 custom game plans. When you create a custom plan, you can load settings from any of the default plans or your previously created custom plans (this includes all plans ***ociated with you as a coach across all worlds). Example: If you create plan A with team A and also coach team B in another world, when you go to create a plan with team B you can load plan A as a starting point. When you change jobs, your game plans move with you to your new team. If you become unemployed, your game plans will stick around as well and move to your new team when you get one. You can have 3-5 active plans for each game and determine when each plan will become active during the game based upon score/time remaining. The conditions for when a plan becomes active (score/time remaining) are for the end of the half and the end of the game. Within each game plan, you can now mark a play line as inactive (it will not be used). Also, there is no longer a 2-min. checkbox since you can set an entire game plan for your 2-min. drill and when it kicks in. The sim will never stray from the settings -- increase max. FG setting or adjust for game situation. It will run the game plan exactly as it is listed. Finally, the base offense aggressiveness setting (within each game plan) controls when the team will go for a first down or punt --- details in next post. ( Moderator - 8:54 AM)
How come teams can't play teams in different divisions? (bentschnride - Veteran - 9:03 AM)You can for exhibition games. As for non-conference games... DIAA teams to sometimes play DIA teams in real life, however, they do so for a big paycheck. In GD, there is no incentive for the DIAA team to play this game and therefore I decided it was not a viable option.
Did you adjust the out-of-position penalty for punters/kickers/defensive backs playing QB? It seems like the game engine was treating GI and tech similarly for all positions. (ddingo - Hall of Famer - 9:03 AM)Yes, this has been adjusted further.
Did you change boosters (effectiveness and recruit willingness to accept) with 2.0? (ddingo - Hall of Famer - 9:04 AM)No, this has not changed.
In beta testing, it seemed like players at 85% effectiveness were performing better than they did under the old game engine. Was that a figment of my imagination or is effectiveness viewed differently now? (ddingo - Hall of Famer - 9:05 AM)I think you were imagining things --- fatigue has been completely redone, but a player at 85% in v2.0 will perform at the same level as a player at 85% previously.
I've noticed some features borrowed from or at least resembling features of the current edition of HD. In HD, there is a tab when I look at an opponent's team that I can see who they are recruiting. On the heels of the fair play guidelines/collusion issue , if this same feature were added to GD, would not all recruit lists be visible to everyone, thus totally wiping out collusion to the point where list-sharing isn't an advantageous option? (pttsbrghkid - Veteran - 9:07 AM)Simply knowing who a school is recruiting will not eliminate collusion....nor does it consitute collusion. Collusion comes into play when teams make deals for players at the expense of other schools/coaches.
Is there any formation IQ in 2.0 (swamphawk22 - Hall of Famer - 9:08 AM)Yes, this is unchanged.
Are you planning to incorporate some of the "aftermarket" improvement that the spreadsheet wonks have created (much as you did with the baseball sim a few years back)? (ekatzen - Hall of Famer - 9:09 AM)We are always open to suggestions and if we feel that something makes the game better and more enjoyable for everyone, we'll incorporate it if possible.
If my automatic winning setting is 4 pts and an optional setting is 9 pts , is the auto setting in play until the 9 pts and the optional then takes over? (philo - All*Star - 9:10 AM)Yes -- the sim will switch to the most restrictive setting that the game situation matches.
What is the exact status of the Carryover Reform issue (swamphawk22 - Hall of Famer - 9:11 AM)***istant coaches will now use more money to fill open scholarships, but other than that, the issue is dead.
In the new gameplanning settings what will overwrite what? If i have winning by 7 for 2 sets but one is with 5 minutes remaining and one is with 2 minutes remaining will the one with 2 minutes remaining overtake the one with 5 minutes remaining once 2 minutes hits during gameplay? (godsize - Hall of Famer - 9:12 AM)Yes, exactly.
Any plans to allow players to 'pre-set' their first cycle of recruiting actions? (ddingo - Hall of Famer - 9:12 AM)No.
I know you said you won't be fielding questions about recruiting but can you give us some idea when we can expect an announcement of some sort? (PS, sorry about all my moaning in the forums, I think you guys have done a great job overall...) (ekatzen - Hall of Famer - 9:15 AM)Like I said, we need to evaluate everything...we'll do this later today if possible and then we have to incorporate any changes. Rough guess, without knowing exactly what we are going to do, is that the earliest you'll see anything is tomorrow.
Based on the prior version, some coaches, like me, have recruited teams with only one player to both kick and punt. Will this create a major disadvantage with the new logic? (thereids - All*Star - 9:15 AM)No...the kicker/punter "relationship" is unchanged.
It sounds like 'pace' is a major feature of 2.0 -- could you explain how it works for non-skill position players? (ddingo - Hall of Famer - 9:20 AM)For non-skill players, OL for example, pace is not a big issue because they cannot be taken advantage of or overworked like an could force an RB to carry the ball every play, an OL is supposed to be blocking every play. For non-skill players, they fatigue based upon game participation and their stamina.
Will there be all-time team records? Such as all time leading rusher, most touchdown p***es etc.? (godsize - Hall of Famer - 9:21 AM)Not in this update. It is something that we could add in the future.
Was anything done to gameplay that isnt readily appearent? (swamphawk22 - Hall of Famer - 9:21 AM)I'm not sure what you mean...hopefully my previous posts have given you all the info.
Now that we have team colors, can we have pictures of the cheerleaders too? In fact, we shouldhave a cheerleader "reputation" rating which could affect recruiting. (ekatzen - Hall of Famer - 9:23 AM) like Ole Miss (I think) and talk about their 3 miss americas in their "media" guide rather than...I don't Ah, recruiting.
When moving from one school to another, does the arriving coach play the OOC teams the former coach scheduled for that season, or will the engine reschedule the OOC games? (thereids - All*Star - 9:24 AM)He'll have to play the OOC schedule that was made for him by the former coach. We will be adding the next season's OOC schedule (if any games have been scheduled) to the team profiles on the Schedule tab at the bottom so that you know what you are getting into.
Any plans to allow us to look at worlds where we're "unemployed" to allow us to troll for interesting jobs to apply for? (ekatzen - Hall of Famer - 9:29 AM)You can pull up profiles of all the open schools -- you can get a lot of information from those. Beyond that, there are no plans to open the worlds up to coaches who do not have an active team.
Could you elaborate more on the issue of pace for skill positions (RB)- or point me to the discussion of this? (thereids - All*Star - 9:38 AM)Sure. All RB fatigue is based upon pace (carries + receptions balanced against time) in relationship to stamina. If a player gets a lot of action, then his pace becomes far to high for his stamina (he becomes winded) and his effectiveness drops substantially -- he is forced to sub out (***uming this drops him below your setting, which at high settings it will in most cases). Then he must recover in order to re-enter the game. NOTE: All player fatigue is designed such that a player with 50 stamina can play a game with normal use/rest and end it at 60% effective. Using high effective percent settings (90% and 85%) will cause your players to sub out and potentially miss substantial portions of the game.
Again, this is a recruiting question but why are you only allowed 100 recruits on your search list? If I move to a new school with a lot of scholarships, I need to be able to look at more back-ups in case my top priorities are not worth gunning for. (alphaflight - Veteran - 9:42 AM)We feel that 100 spots is more than enough to allow you to evaluate your recruiting options. If you lose interest in a player, simply remove him from your list and put another player there. Even if you have 20 scholarships to fill, you could still have 5 recruits per opening listed on your summary page.
Thank you - so does the fatigue logic still require the player to recover five points above the set effectiveness rating in order to return to the game? (thereids - All*Star - 9:45 AM)How quickly a player can return is based upon his stamina and his current level of fatigue/pace. It is not as simple as 5 points above his setting any longer. Players will not bounce in and out of the game every play, but will have to take time to recover.
Are all player ratings essentially on a scale from 1 to 100 (i.e. Athleticism, Work Ethic, etc.)? (thereids - All*Star - 9:46 AM)Yes.
Is yardage gained in a play calculated into the "pace"? (jaybonz - Pro - 9:46 AM)No.
Has there been any change to the logic applied to games against SIM coached teams? Today, most Sims seem to run one offensive set (usually the I) and one defensive set - at least after the first game of the season in DIII. (thereids - All*Star - 9:52 AM)Sim coaches teams will use the default game plans which use multiple sets.
Withthe 100 limitation on the watch list, are you going to make it possible to add guys to the watch list after recruiting starts without having to spend money on them? (ekatzen - Hall of Famer - 9:54 AM)As of right now, no, but like I said previously, we are going to evaluate this later today.
In the previous version, some veteran coaches have indicated that Work Ethic has little to do with growth and performance during the regular season, but has a greater impact on post-season play. What is the impact of WE in the new version? (thereids - All*Star - 9:54 AM)The impact of WE on player development is unchanged.
Which back is the blocking back? (ekatzen - Hall of Famer - 9:58 AM)For the fans of this question showing up in every chat, the last one in on the formation being used.
This is the new general logic in place for when to kick a field goal, punt, or go for the first down:

1) If losing by 3 or less with less than 15 seconds in the game and no TOs or less than 11 seconds ...kick the field goal --- all settings.
2) If less than 15 seconds in the half and no TOs or less than 11 seconds ....kick the field goal regardless of the score --- all settings.
3) If it is overtime and down 3 or less on 4th down kick the FG --- all settings.
4) In FG range --- check for FG or GO based upon the base offense style for the currently active game plan:
Very Conservative: always kick
Conservative: kick if not in 4th quarter with less than half remaining OR down 3 or less OR more than 1 yard to go OR outside the 5 yard line
Balanced: kick if not in 4th quarter OR down 3 or less OR more than 1 yard to go OR outside the 20
Aggressive: kick the FG if up 8 to down 3 OR more than 3 yards to go OR outside the 40
Very Aggressive: kick the FG if up 8 to down 3 with less than half the 4th quarter remaining OR if more than 4 yards to go
EXCEPTION: If it is in the 4th quarter and 2 minutes or less remaining down by 4 or more, the team will ALWAYS go for the first down regardless of aggressiveness setting and field position.
NOTE: If a team is in FG range and does not kick the FG according to the checks (#4), then it will go for the first down and not punt.
5) NOT in FG range --- check for PUNT or GO based upon the base offense style for the currently active game plan:
Very Conservative: always punt
Conservative: only go for it on 4th and 1 when losing in the second half of the 4th quarter past midfield
Balanced: go for it on 4th and 1 from midfield to FG range AND go on 4th and 1 when losing in the second half of the 4th quarter from 40 to midfield
Aggressive: go for it on 4th and 1 from 30 to FG range AND go for it on 4th and 2 from 40 to FG range AND go for it on 4th and 3 or less from midfield to FG range
Very Aggressive: .... ( Moderator - 9:36 AM)
Very Aggressive: go for it on 4th and 1 from 20 to FG range AND go for it on 4th and 2 or less from 30 to FG range AND go for it on 4th and 3 or less from 40 to FG range AND go for it on 4th and 4 or less from midfield to FG range

Exception: If your team is not in FG range and it is the 4th quarter, inside of 2 minutes to play, and you are losing, the sim will go for the first down regardless of field position and distance remaining to the first. This exception was incorporated into the engine on 9/5. ( Moderator - 9:37 AM)
As always, thanks for taking the time to post your questions, comments and suggestions!
This chat session has ended.Please check for our next scheduled session in the Upcoming Chat List.
For more information or to start your dynasty, visit the
Gridiron Dynasty home page.
7/6/2008 11:05 AM
Developer Chat #14 (JConte)GD v2.0 - Part 2Thursday, August 30, 2007 at 1:00 PM EST.
GD v2.0 has been rolled out and this is the place to discuss the changes, ask questions, and have your suggestions for future changes heard.
Is there something in the works to view the roster so that we can copy and paste the ratings into a spreadsheet like we did in GD v1.0? (hands24 - Veteran - 1:03 PM)We are going to have a printable view for the team profiles so that you can get all the information in one spot for printing. There are no plans to change the office roster listing.
Player conversion (i.e. DB to RB) has been a fun and rewarding part of the game thus far. Are there any changes to the logic applied to player conversion in the update? (thereids - All*Star - 1:03 PM)No -- there are no changes here.
any chance we can get some other options in scheduling besides home and away, all i ever see is soandso invites you to play at his home. can 2 ooc teams schedule to play at the same stadium 2 seasons in a row? (plague - Hall of Famer - 1:05 PM)There are currently no plans to adjust this aspect of the game --- this will be the first season with it afterall. One problem I see with going beyond 1 season is it would make the coach have multiple seasons remaining and increase the chances of schedules being locked in for incoming coaches.
What would be the ideal amount of touched for a RB with 50 stamina? 30? (stevehoggett - Hall of Famer - 1:06 PM)I don't know --- depends upon how the game plays out. 30 straight touches would be horrible...30 spread throughout the game could work.
Instead of the fullback being determined by depth chart order, could it be determined by distribution? Of all the RBs on the field, whoever has the lowest distribution is the fullback (and whoever has the highest distribution is the RB1), regardless of depth chart order. (statshawn - Hall of Famer - 1:07 PM)Interesting idea. I've never really thought about that scenario....maybe worth exploring.
i think you misundestood the second part of my question. if i schedule team X this season to play at my home, when next season rolls around can i again schedule team X at my home. for example can Boston College play at USC 10 seasons in a row? (plague - Hall of Famer - 1:08 PM)Oh...I think you can schedule the same team for a home game 2 seasons in a row.
I know athleticism is a multiplier of the other categories but how much? Does it differ by position? (lancers46 - Hall of Famer - 1:10 PM)This is unchanged from the previous version and depends upon the position/situation.
In GD 2.0, Do you factor in SOS as a tie breaker if two teams are tied for the lead in the conference? (bentschnride - Veteran - 1:11 PM)The final tiebeakeer is WIS ranking, which includes a strength of schedule component.

1. Conference Record
2. Overall Record
3. Head to head result
4. WIS ranking
In the previous version, players did not seem to rest during half-time, does the update address this issue - can we expect players to come out of halftime with some recovery from the first half? (thereids - All*Star - 1:12 PM)Yes, the update addresses this issue and players get much more rest during halftime.
Did you change th Minimum FG settings so that teams can no longer set the yardage at 17 and go for it on 4th down? (stevehoggett - Hall of Famer - 1:12 PM)Wether or not a team goes for the first down on 4th down is determined by the style of play --- please see my post on this subject in this morning's chat.
if we cant schedule teams 2 seasons in a row in a home/away scenario any chance we can get a random 1 season home/away option? (plague - Hall of Famer - 1:13 PM)I won't rule it out, but I'd like to give the system currently in place some time first.
from the last chat i got the impression that ol will fatigue at a slower rate than other that an accurate ***umption? (A Dawg - Hall of Famer - 1:14 PM)I wouldn't necessarily say slower...differently from how the skill positions fatigue.
If 2 teams go 7-1 in conference, and one team used a cupcake non confrence to go 12-1 and a team made a challenging schedule an goes 11-2, Who would win win the division? (bentschnride - Veteran - 1:15 PM)See the tiebeaker list above.
any chance we can get the effectiveness rating back to where we dont have to do it in intervals of 5%, that seems to generic and i would like to space out my lineman a little but not all by 5%. (plague - Hall of Famer - 1:18 PM)With the complete reworking of fatigue, your players will fatigue more in line with their stamina ratings -- 2 players used identically (hard to do) and set at the same effective setting will not fall below that setting at the same time unless they have identical stamina ratings. Additionally, the difference between 84% and 85% is essentially nothing and the 5% increments gives you control over the relative level where you want a player to sub out...the same kind of control a real coach would have. I don't think a coach standing on the sidelines can tell the difference between a player who is 84% rested and one who is 85% rested (***uming you put aside the inability to quantify fatigue with a number).
Did you tweek the stamina factor so a QB will actually be able to play a whole game now without killing your game. Always seems to me that an O-lineman's fatigue factor is different than a QB. They can't play 4 qtrs without a break, but you don't see QB's needing a blow in real games. (npse99 - All*Star - 1:19 PM)The entire fatigue/rest aspect of the game is new.
in the past a team had a close to balanced home/away schedule, now someone can schedule 5 OOC home games, any drawbacks to that? (plague - Hall of Famer - 1:20 PM)I don't think so, but we'll see how things play out. Remember, winning on the road helps your ranking more than winning at there is a trade off.
It is my understanding that there is a visual tool in the new version that indicates a player's current status on each play. Is that status relative to the effectiveness setting on the advanced depth chart? (thereids - All*Star - 1:22 PM)There is within the play by play. The progression of colors shows you how your player is progressing from fresh to fatigued. They are NOT relative to your settings, but general game settings (defaults).

90% + == Green
80% - 90% == Green/Yellow
70% - 80% == Yellow
60% - 70% == Yellow/Red
60% - == Red
any chance we can get something in the PBP that shows which players are playing out of position? even a link for the players would be nice. i dont know about others but i know my qbs/rbs/wrs but i dont have the lineman and defensive players memorized, especially for the young players. (plague - Hall of Famer - 1:24 PM)I don't know if there is an easy way to indicate needs to be looked further, so I can't say right now.
If we could go back to tiebreakers for a sec, is there any chance of moving head-to-head up the list? I'm not sure that making OOC games 'matter' is as much of a problem with the new schedule. (mjsmjs - Hall of Famer - 1:26 PM)Having the overall record second maintains the importance of the out of conference schedule and I'm not sure we want to lose it.
Is there a maximum amount of home or away games you can have in a season? (bentschnride - Veteran - 1:28 PM)I guess you could theoretically schedule 5 home non-conference games and then get 2 home games against the other division in your conference and 3 home games against the same division of the 10. Wow...a lot.
Let's talk injuries. Was anything adjusted here or are injuries based in the same theory as in GD v1? (bkrasner - Veteran - 1:30 PM)No adjustments here directly to injuries, but injuries do have a fatigue component and an out of position component, which were both affected by the reworking of the fatigue/substitutions.
Another question about the tiebreakers...if SOS is a factor in the WIS rankings (4th tiebreaker), and overall is the 2nd tiebreaker, why are those two inconsistent? A tougher SOS is good in the 4th tiebreaker but bad for the 2nd tiebreaker. (swooft01 - Veteran - 1:31 PM)I don't see how that makes the 2nd tiebreaker bad --- this just looks at record...a win is good, a loss is bad.
I'm somewhat disappointed that the roster size did not increase to something more than 50. However, I'm wondering if the new fatigue system helps address that issue by (potentially) needing fewer players to participate in a game with a more accurate level of fatigue? (bkrasner - Veteran - 1:33 PM)We think it will.
any other ideas on the table that you are considering for possible future changes? if yes any hints you can give us? (plague - Hall of Famer - 1:33 PM)We always have ideas...practice squad....senior bowl...NFL records...scouting service... We even have more things that are coming in the near future to fill the lovely black/grey column on the right side of every page.
On the "color coded" fatigue. Is there a way for those who may be color blind to be able to know the players fatigue state? (overs - Hall of Famer - 1:34 PM)I saw a comment to this effect someplace yesterday, don't remember where or by whom, and so I'm going to look into adding a tooltip/mouseover to the icons that will simply state the color.
to add to mjsmjs. one negative with a OOC as the 2nd tie breaker is it rewards the coach who schedules a creampuff schedule and penalizes the coach who schedules hard teams. (plague - Hall of Famer - 1:36 PM)I don't see it as hurting a team --- if both teams win 4 or 5 games, the team with the higher SOS will be ranked higher in the polls. A team with a more difficult OOC schedule can more afford a loss in the conference without hurting his post-season chances.
In the forum post announcing version 2.0 and some of it's new features, there is mention of new hiring logic that makes it easier to get to DI. As a current DIAA coach who has yet to coach at DI, is there some sort of baseline of success I should be aiming for to move to a non-BCS DI school? Also, has there been any change to firing logic to balance this possible new influx of DI coaches? (pttsbrghkid - Veteran - 1:39 PM)It is hard to answer a question like this because all coaches have their success measured relative to all other coaches in the world --- the best way to see where you stand is compare yourself to other coaches. There has not been a change to the firing logic, but I don't think it is needed at this time. Of course, we'll monitor this and make sure things stay balanced.
in beta i noticed a game where on 1 play i had 4 Tight ends playing Offensive Line and 2 Offensive Lineman playing Tight End. that did not make sense to me, i would think the OL would play OL and the TE would play TE. can you explain that? (plague - Hall of Famer - 1:41 PM)This is hard for me to explain without seeing settings and how the game played out. I can tell what is supposed to happen though. The sim should look first at the advanced depth chart for the set and if no players are available at a position move on to the basic depth chart for that position. If no additional players are available there, then it will move on to players not on any depth chart (bench). I highly recommend completeing filling out the basic depth chart and if you choose to use the advanced depth charts, to completely fill those as well...I would not only set the top guys.
as a virtual newbie, can you explain how fatigue effects each position? (bigtexhawk - Pro - 1:45 PM)This is a very general question and I can only give a general answer. Fatigue effects all players on the field and with each play, a player fatigues. If a player gets tired enough, he subs out and the backup comes in. While the player is out of the game he rests and when he is fresh again, he returns to the game. Hope that helps and welcome to GD!
On the fatigue and out of position component to injuries, just to confirm, we should ***ume that the more fatigued a player is, the more likely they are to suffer an injury? And also they would be more likely to suffer an injury when playing out of position? (bkrasner - Veteran - 1:46 PM)Yes, fatigued players are more likely to be injured. Yes, players that are playing out of position are more likely to be injured as well.
Follow up, Yes I see the aggressiveness settings to determine whether a team goes for it or not, but in GD 1.0. A team could set their minimum FG yardage to 17, and the team would go for it on 4th down after they p***ed a reasonable punt yardage. Usually it was around the 35 yard line. When I try to set my minimum FG yardage, I get an error if it is below 18. (stevehoggett - Hall of Famer - 1:47 PM)Yes, you should -- 18 is the lowest because you would be on the 1. At 17 yards, you would be in the endzone.
Will we get the stats view back for recruits? (vendigo - Hall of Famer - 1:48 PM)Between the first chat session and this one we evaluated the recruiting situation and have decided on some changes that we are currently working on implementing -- I think everyone will love what we are going to put out in the next couple of days.
If the tiebreaker rule was changed to make head to head the second tie breaker, then people would schedule good ooc teams to bump up their SOS and ratings. Currently, you'ld rather take care of wining your conference and therefore schedule creampuffs for ooc schedule. (npse99 - All*Star - 1:49 PM)Unless a team wants to improve their ranking for post-season seeding and bowl games. Having schedule full of pushovers is not the way to win a NC.
Jconte i also want to give you props for doing this. hoiw many hours a day di you have to work to make gd 2.0? (bentschnride - Veteran - 1:51 PM)Thanks, but there are many people involved with the project and they all worked very hard to make this happen. I think the team did a great job and we appreciate the kind words.
Love the game, even though I am horrible at it... What hints/strategies would you give to all to help them to winning records with that advent of this new update? (bigtexhawk - Pro - 1:53 PM)Like real college football games, players win games and coaches lose them. Look at the players you have on your team and develop game plans that take advantage of their strengths and minimize their weaknesses....then recruit to your system and try to improve a couple players each season. Before long, you'll have a very competitive team.
Are starts credited the same way as v.1 -- the players in the basic depth chart for the sets in the base offense/defense get the start? (pds65 - Hall of Famer - 1:54 PM)Yes -- main game plan base offense/defense combined with the basic depth chart. This is the only way to give coaches complete control over who their starters are for each game.
With Self Scheduling now in place. Is there any plan to add an incentive (financial) for teams to schedule a difficult OOC schedule. And when determing rankings, can you give a break down of what plays more of a roll in your strength of schedule- Your oppoenents record, or your opponents strength of schedule? (stevehoggett - Hall of Famer - 1:55 PM)No, there are currently no plans to add financial incentive for OCC games. Your opponents' record means more than your opponents' opponents' records.
followup to steve. if the minimum you set is 18 yards, that means you will kick the field goal when at the 1 yard line. how would you set it to never kick a field goal? (plague - Hall of Famer - 1:56 PM)A team that running a game plan with a very aggressive style will rarely kick the FG --- please see my post in the earlier chat.
Any changes to the prestige settings or the recruit views? (tkechub - All*Star - 1:56 PM)No, this aspect of the game is unchanged.
In game planning, there's a top limit of 11 yards in long distance situations. Can this be increased to at least 15? (pds65 - Hall of Famer - 1:58 PM)I'm not sure why this is necessary...11 allows you to have different plays if you have penalty/lose yards as compared to a normal 10 to go situation.
Not trying to steamroll, but to followup on your answers: overall record as the 2nd tiebreaker for playoffs/bowl game is much different than for the Conf Championship game. Also, in DI-A a pansy schedule won't get you in the National Championship game but in the other divisions it will get you in the Conf Championship game, which, if you win, gets you in the playoffs and a shot at the National Championship. (swooft01 - Veteran - 2:00 PM)Yes, but in the examples brought up, the team out of the CC game will likely have a high enough ranking to make the playoffs as well and with a better seed. Also, if the other team wins the CC game, then aren't they showing that they deserve the opportunity? ...and a loss here likely eliminates them from the playoffs.
Follow up to plague..When you say a team running a VERY AGGRESSIVE game you mean on the General game plan settings, or do you mean on the situational settings IE- 4th and short? (stevehoggett - Hall of Famer - 2:02 PM)Base Offense style for the game plan that is active when the game situation is encountered.
Thanks for all the questions, comments, and feedback. We appreciate them all and hope you enjoy the new version of GD! Good luck to everyone this season. ( Moderator - 2:03 PM)
As always, thanks for taking the time to post your questions, comments and suggestions!
7/6/2008 11:06 AM
Developer Chat #15 (JConte)Wednesday, December 03, 2008 at 1:00 PM EST.
This chat is to discuss the changes introduced with the update on 12/2/2008.
Has just the run defense been approved or has the p*** defense improved as well? (godsize - Hall of Famer - 1:01 PM)The entire defensive aspect of the engine has been updated and modified to bring better balance to the game. The run defense has been improved a great deal, but p*** defense is also a little better as well. During testing it looked like the defenses have been improved to a good, balanced level for the offenses available. This is an aspect of the game that we will have to monitor though to make sure more changes aren't needed.
Does having a player from your team drafted help to raise your teams prestige like it does in HD? (scottso14 - Hall of Famer - 1:02 PM)Currently, having a drafted player does not effect your school's prestige level. However, this is an aspect of the draft that I would like to incorporate into the game as soon as possible.
Can you clarify the qualifications for advancing divisions? (slick58 - Pro - 1:06 PM)The changes that we have made to the job page will hopefully clear up some questions surrounding this. Prior to the job period, you will see the job page as you always have. Once the job period starts, the notes section will contain information telling you if you are qualified for the position or not. (There is currently a bug in this and we are working on getting it fixed.) This way you will know before submitting the application if you at least have a chance at the position. More generally, success qualifications are very difficult to quantify in terms of wins, conference championships, etc. because all coaches have their success rated relative to all the other coaches in the world. As the makeup of the world changes, so to does your success rating. I know this is hard to understand, but hopefully the changes to the job page will help.
I looked in Wilkinson DIA recruiting before and after the update. While stated that the recruiting pool will be adjusted to fulfill current trends, I didn’t notice a change in the number of OL and DL in my 1,000 mile radius. Could you please tell us what trend you were seeing in coaches recruiting? Also, do you expect to see a change in the trend since running won’t be such a huge factor it has always been? (dupa220 - All*Star - 1:08 PM)All existing recruiting pools prior to the update were unchanged. At the end of recruiting in each world, a new recruiting pool will be generated and this pool will reflect the changes. The roster trends are variable based upon the number of players at each position on teams.
I don't see the SOS ranking in the standings. When will that be implemented? (scottso14 - Hall of Famer - 1:10 PM)The SOS ranking will be updated the next time the rankings (WIS, Press, Coaches) are updated in each world. This is why the SOS column in the WIS rankings is empty at the moment. The top 10 list on the side of a couple pages will also update at this time and the current listing is simply the first 10 teams and is not a valid ranking. I know this is confusing at the moment, but it will be resolved once the rankings update in your world.
Now that the change jobs are updated and we only see schools that will consider us is it easier to get another job and not get denied and hurt our loyalty?Because it takes to long to move up to D1A schools if you are an average coach and get turned down by good schools. (ginobili04 - Veteran - 1:11 PM)The requirements to move up to DII have been reduced substantially, but the other divisions have remained the same for the time being. With the change to the job page, you will at least know which jobs you have a chance at landing but a more qualified coach could always apply and beat you out.
Concerning the new Guaranteed % of Plays option, if I promise a recruit 50% does that mean he has to start 50% of plays in every game, or can you go 45% one game and make up for it with 55% the next? Will his WE drop if this number is missed, even by just one percentage point? (pds65 - Hall of Famer - 1:14 PM)The percent of plays is based upon the total number of plays that the player could reasonably consider he should play -- e.g. all offensive snaps for a QB. There will be some leeway because the player will look at the season to date as a whole, so going under one game and over the next will balance out. If the player does complain, it will work much like the promised starts where his WE will drop but can recover if he starts getting the playing time he was promised.
Can you talk about the Draft Results page and how that is going to work? (firedogs - Hall of Famer - 1:16 PM)The draft results page will list the complete draft results for each season. There are no historical drafts at this point, but there will be in subsequent seasons. You will be able to select the season and the round (1-7) for each draft to view the results. This will list the pick number (round and overall), the NFL team, the player selected, his position, and the player's college. I have plans to add some notes to each selection with a future update. The draft will take place following the NC games in each world.
Can you give us an idea of how much a recruit will respond to promised playing time? Is 25% similar to a So. start and 75% close to a campus visit? (redwolf95 - Pro - 1:20 PM)Promised playing time should be a very effective recruiting tool. I don't want to give the exact correlation to other tools because this is an element of strategy in the game, but ALL recruits want playing time. With this in mind, even a minimal promise of playing time could be very influential. This tool is meant to give some of the "lesser" schools a chance to sign better players away from the power schools who would ride the bench at those schools their first season.
How are the recommended practice time settings determined? Do they accurately reflect the relative importance of each item in the sim? (vincec - Hall of Famer - 1:24 PM)The practice plan recommendations are meant to give new coaches an idea of what to practice and an example to follow. The recommendations are not necessarily the optimal settings, but good. More experienced coaches will likely want to tweak them a little to fit their needs and more closely follow their experiences within the game.
What and were is the clipbord? What is it used for and how can I use it to my avanage? (fermor332002 - Pro - 1:25 PM)The clipboard links at the top of team and player profiles are for copying/pasting links to profiles in the coaches corner. Once you click the clipboard (copy) on the profile, go to the coaches corner and click the paste button -- this will put a link to the profile in the coaches corner. This is just to make talking about and linking to players/teams a little easier in the coaches corner.
In Bryant, did existing coaches go down to 1/4 of their carry-over money for the previous year? Or will that start at the end of recruiting this season (i.e. they keep 100% of carry over for this season's recruiting) (skeeziks - Veteran - 1:27 PM)No recruiting budgets have been modified. The first time budgets will be reduced to 25% will be after the world has had a full recruiting period since the ORIGINAL announcement of the change in the forums. I do not know the schedule off hand so you'll want to double check this, but I think your budget in Bryant will be reduced at the end of the next recruiting period.
If during the first round of recruiting we just make phone calls, will they reaspond with their preferences after first round calls? Does it matter how many calls that round? (diamondjim69 - All*Star - 1:30 PM)All ***istant coach phone call responses will contain this information, so you will get this information right away. It does not matter how many you do.
The new elite firing standards. Does that only take place when a team is "In Jeopardy" ? (plague - Hall of Famer - 1:31 PM)Yes -- it applies to the coach trying to save his job once he is "In Jeopardy." The progression of going from "Very Secure" down to "In Jeopardy" has not changed.
How much impact will a recruit's choice of favorite school have on his recruiting? Will his favorite school have a significant or minor recruiting advantage? (freesteagle - Pro - 1:32 PM)At the present time, I think this will be a small factor, but this is hard to judge until the effects are seen in a true recruiting environment. This aspect will be monitored moving forward and adjusted as necessary.
Can a recruit's choice of favorite school change after signings begin? In other words, if his favorite fills all their scholarships, and another school sends him an ***istant coach phone call after signings begin, will he give his favorite alternative or will he still offer his original favorite? (freesteagle - Pro - 1:33 PM)No -- it will remain constant.
Is there a penalty if you redshirt the player who you have guaranteed a percent of plays to, or will it just roll to the next season (like a freshman start)? (nelsonba25 - Hall of Famer - 1:35 PM)There WILL be a penalty just like the freshman start. A redshirt DOES NOT delay promised starts nor does it delay promised playing time. There is a knowledge base article on this subject for promised starts -- please read it -- and I will add one for promised playing time.
Normally Georgia would never fight Ohio State for a recruit in Ohio but with the new recruiting changes, would it even out the distance advantage if Georgia was the recruits favorite school? Or if the recruit wants to go away from home? (shonmurphy20 - Hall of Famer - 1:37 PM)It will definitely make a difference and the hope is to make such a battle worthwhile for Georgia to pursue. Whether or not this will be the case in practice is yet to be seen.
In GridIron Dynasty I've found certain days in the schedule to be very important - especially the first two days of recruiting. However, because of religious observance there is one day a week where I don't play GD so I try to choose worlds that accomodate my religious observance. In the last few months the schedule of worlds has changed twice. My question is, could WIS make a policy to keep the world schedules constant (and possibly reverse the recent one day bump forward)? Thanks (kirill - Pro - 1:38 PM)I'm sorry, but we cannot. We do not say that schedules will stay constant because it is sometimes necessary to modify them.
Is a recruits growth potential completely random now? Will there be no way other than WE to judge future growth? Will AC scouts offer any hint at all? (joe_pa - Pro - 1:42 PM)Potential is unchanged and you will still get information on it through scouting reports. The only change involving potential is that is now excluded from the recruit value determination which is used to decide his projected level. This will shift some higher potential players down some so that lower schools have the opportunity to sign higher potential players and develop them. This is aimed at balancing out the teams some and making it slightly easier to build a contender.
Can both a FR promised stat be used in recruiting in addition to the new percentage of plays promise or is it one or the other only? (gator1time - Hall of Famer - 1:43 PM)They can both be used.
I had created a recruiting list prior to the update, should I go back and search to make sure the players are still within my vision? (memphus01 - All*Star - 1:44 PM)This should not have changed, but it may be worthwhile for you to double check.
Hi JConte - thanks for your work on the update. Since AC phone calls will now be a valuable recruiting tool, will our draft boards be increased from a max of 100 players to accomodate the likelihood that coaches will want to send more than 100 of these calls? Thanks (mcbethbr - Hall of Famer - 1:46 PM)I had not thought about increasing this limit. If it turns out that this limit is a detriment, then it can be increased in the future, but for now it is the same.
Has there been any change to the stamina/fatigue/pace system? (mjsmjs - Hall of Famer - 1:47 PM)No, this has not been changed as I feel it is in a good spot.
Will there be an option for a hurry up/spread offense? (chadrader - Pro - 1:48 PM)No new offensive or defensive formations have been added with this update. There is always opportunity to add to these in the future.
the 180 miles search in the recruiting page is no longer there. There was a significant increase in recruiting cost from 179 miles to 180 miles. I wonder if that is still the case since the 180 miles search has been taken out? (DKC - Hall of Famer - 1:49 PM)The cost structure for recruiting has not been modifed with this update and remains the same as before.
Regarding % of plays - is that over the player's next season only? Or for their entire career? In other words, if I promise someone 50% of the plays, and they get that in their freshman season, are they expecting 50% in their sop****re, junior, and senior seasons also? (bhazlewood - Veteran - 1:50 PM)The promise is only for the player's first season with your team and not for subsequent seasons.
Has the impact/necessity of formation practice changed any at all, at any level? (champ83 - Hall of Famer - 1:50 PM)No, it has not changed with this update.
In reguards to the recruiting change where cores are used now and potential has been taken out. Does that now mean that DIII teams will be seeing lower cored players across the board or will we still be able to see 60/60/30 core OL and DL? (dewagne - Hall of Famer - 1:52 PM)I would say that the players they see will be similar to those in the past, but the results will more accurately reflect the value of the players across all levels.
When using the recommendation button on practice time is it the same for all users or is it designed for what our current players are lacking/could improve on. Thanks, mossyoaksoon (mossyoaksoon - Pro - 1:53 PM)The recommended practice plan currently gives the same recommendation for everyone.
It is stated, as most of us know, that the OL works as a unit. Why is it that stamina is not shared as is blocking/strength/tech etc.? (dennis7474 - Veteran - 1:54 PM)The offensive line works as a unit when blocking because it makes sense in football terms -- if the OL is not working together, they do not perform well. Fatigue is an individual thing and does not make sense to share across the line.
With the carryover $$ being reduced has there been any changes made in the amount of money needed to knock off a SIM coached team? Any changes to the cost ***ociated with each recruiting effort? (kev959 - Hall of Famer - 1:55 PM)No, these have not been changed. Recruiting against a SIM is still a fairly easy proposition.
Does carryover affect playoff money earned by the conference? (wesklick - Pro - 1:57 PM)No, it does not. The reduction to 25% (if you filled all of your scholarships) is done at the end of the recruiting period. Any post-season money earned by the conference is added at the end of the season and kept in its entirety.
Is running the ball "harder" (more realalistic? If so how did you accomplish this? Is the O watered down? Is the D now better? If a D sells out to the run (calling Always Run) does the sim now more acurately access the possability of stopping the run? (bullfrog333 - Hall of Famer - 1:59 PM)Running the ball should be more difficult and realistic, especially against an "all run" defense. I hope this change will make teams run a more balanced and realistic offense and teams that choose to run every play will find the going rough. Essentially, the defenses will simply perform better than in the past.
Will special team plays count toward a players plays? For example I recruit a DB and have him set as returner. He returns 3 kicks does he get credit for that? (lukeyboy - Veteran - 2:00 PM)No -- a defensive player will have his percent participation determined by the total number of defensive plays in the game only. Likewise, an offensive player will have his determined by the ofensive plays in the game only.
Regarding percentage of plays, what is the penalty for not meeting the percentage of plays and how is it evaluated? Is it evaluated on a game by game basis or over the course of the season? (lyonzfan37 - Veteran - 2:03 PM)The evaluation is covered earlier, but the penalty is lost WE (temporary at first and then permanent if the promise is not later fulfilled) and a damaged reputation.
What is the PP% in the Player Profile? (hamnation - Veteran - 2:05 PM)This lists the percent of plays that the player participated in for that game. Games played prior to and including 12/3 will have potentially inaccurate numbers since this feature was just added in and tracking not performed within the simulation. The numbers from 12/4 forward should be correct.
With reguards to today. What do I need to know about gameplanning (tweaks etc) that will help us in the second half? Most of us have not been able to test the new engine. What do we need to know? (richramirez - Hall of Famer - 2:07 PM)I don't think there will be a significant impact to game planning unless you are running a very unbalanced offense and your opponent can easily game plan against you. If you run every play and your opponent game plans to stop the run, you should find the going a little tougher now.
One can still get by just fine with one or zero kickers, no doubt? (ososdeoro - Veteran - 2:09 PM)I don't think so.
If I want to know the SOS of the school I coach, and it is not in the top 10, where do I find that information? (brandonford - Hall of Famer - 2:10 PM)Under the SOS column on the WIS rankings.
With the removal of the potential aspect in recruiting, are we to understand that potential is now randomly spread across recruits of varying talent? Is there still a way to glean this potential a la scouting visits ? Or am I completely misunderstanding the change in potential? :) (cygnusx1 - Pro - 2:12 PM)Yes, it is better spread across all levels and will still be in scouting reports.
Just to clarify on your earlier remarks about the recruiting base. If I'm in a world that's in the playoffs now, is it true that I won't see the change until after I've gone through recruiting one more time? (laswell - All*Star - 2:13 PM)Yes, this is correct. I did not want to remove current recruiting pools and therefore eliminate any in-season scouting work that coaches may have done.
Has there been any changes to the amount of players who leave D1 early? Right now it is relatively high. (mele316 - Hall of Famer - 2:15 PM)No -- the number of players who leave early are in line with historical real world early declarations and there is never more than the maximum number who have declared early in any given year for the real NFL draft.
Will lower-level players prefer lower-level teams and higher-level players prefer higher-level teams? Or is it totally random regardless of level? Or will players only prefer DI-A teams regardless of their own ability? (taint98 - All*Star - 2:17 PM)It is random, but not completely. Players will randomly select from a pool of high prestige schools (DIA), local schools, and schools that are a reasonable fit for the player.
Can you clarify some more on the promised playing time to a recruit. If I promise a recruit with a stamina of 10, 75% playing time, this doesn't seem like it could happen. Do I have to use my own judgment, based on his stamina and what I set their effectiveness setting to, to meet that 75%? (gregscar - Pro - 2:20 PM)Yes. If you promise a 10 stamina player 75% of plays, you better use a very low effective setting in order for him to meet the promise. If you just blindly make promises, you could get yourself into trouble.
Any changes to special teams with regards to kickers and punters and QBs being able to play the kicker position? (miami_jefe - Hall of Famer - 2:21 PM)Yes -- I increased the penalty so that players who are not kickers or punters but are performing those duties will perform very poorly.
Does the AC call negate the need for an AC visit to determine the recruit's potential? <
7/6/2008 11:06 AM
GD recent updates to the game:


  • An Overtime game plan setting has been added to the active settings section of the main game plan page. This setting allows a coach to specify a game plan that will be used during overtime instead of using the main game plan setting. All teams have had their overtime game plan set to the currently listed main game plan by default since this is the game plan that has been used up until this point.


  • When coaching jobs open up in each world, those schools will wait at least 9 - 12 hours before making a hiring decision. If it is close to the end of the job change period (within 6 - 9 hours), then schools will not wait to make a hiring decision. This change should give more coaches the opportunity to apply for open jobs prior to them being filled.


  • Each player's year-to-date percent play participation has been added to the game log tab of his player profile in the totals row.

    The recruiting options will now stay in constant locations on the recruit profiles. If a recruit accepts a promise, that option will no longer be removed but will remain visible with the appropriate message.


  • You can now see who the coach of a team is on the World Overview page within the tool tip when you place your mouse over the school names in the standings listings.

    The option for a randomly chosen location, home or away, has been added to non-conference scheduling. Under the Request column this option appears as a '?' next to the Home and Away options. When you use this option, the invitation will display as 'Random' for the location instead of the current Home or Away. Once the coach accepts the invitation, the location will be randomly selected with a 50% chance for both home and away locations and displayed as such in the next season's schedule listing.


  • A top 10 schools list by post-season winning percentage -- W/L record is displayed -- has been added to the post-season schedule pages for all levels (bowl listing and playoff brackets).


  • Strength of schedule (SOS) has been added to the team schedule page next to WIS rank. Note that at the beginning of the season all teams are equal and this ranking can and likely will fluctuate a great deal during the first several weeks of the season.

    A top 10 schools list by national championships has been added to the post-season schedule pages for all levels (bowl listing and playoff brackets).

    Bug Fix: With the recent change to allow fired coaches to remain at the same divisional level, a bug was introduced that allowed these coaches to potentially get hired back on at the school that just fired them. This has been addressed and will not be an issue moving forward.

    Bug Fix: Under certain circumstances, recruits were getting added to team rosters multiple times at the end of the recruiting period creating "twins" on some team rosters. All "twins" were removed from team rosters and the underlying issue has been resolved.


  • Bug Fix: The notes section on the Jobs page is now functioning correctly. Once your world enters the job period (following the renewal deadline), the notes will reflect whether or not you are qualified for any given open position. Prior to the job period, the notes will remain generalized.


  • An item has been added to the Office menu called Manage Seasons. This page allows you to move seasons from one team to another in the different worlds. There are guidelines listed for when seasons can be moved and which seasons are allowed to be moved.


  • With college football reaching its climax this season, we've released a significant update to Gridiron Dynasty. This update includes the following:

    1. Preferences for distance and favorite schools for recruits have been added. Some recruits will want to stay close to home, some go further away, and others will not care. Each recruit will have a favorite school chosen at random based upon his location, distance preference, and school prestige. This information will be included in responses to phone calls made during recruiting.

    2. An additional recruiting option has been added to promise playing time in terms of percent of plays in the game (offense/defense). This will operate much like the promised starting spots.

    3. Modifications to the recruiting pool were made to better conform to roster trends and have adequate talent available at all levels.

    4. Once the season ends (after NC games), the jobs page will show which jobs you are qualified for and which ones you are not rather than the generic success and experience requirements that are shown now. This should alleviate some confusion about qualifications. In addition, requirements to move up to D-II will be eased some to facilitate filling the worlds up more and coaches who are fired will be able to stay at the same division.

    5. Recommendations will be available for filling out the depth chart and practice plan to help less experienced coaches setup their teams.

    6. The addition of a FAQ page in the Help menu.

    7. The addition of a Player's Guide in the Help menu. This provides new coaches with a basic how-to guide for playing the game.

    8. Player ratings improvements will be tracked for the season on the team profile so that you don't need to track it externally if you want this information.

    9. Some minor adjustments to the default game plans have been made to make them more effective.

    10. Limitations have been placed on the amount of recruiting money that can be carried over from season to season. If a team fills all of their scholarships, they'll be able to retain 25% of their remaining budget. If they do not, they will retain much less and it will decrease with the number of remaining scholarships.

    11. The recruiting search will now default to the team's division.

    12. The caculation of a recruit's value has been modified to more accurately reflect his value in the game at his position. This will effect players returned in recruiting searches as well as recruit rankings. Additionally, potential has been removed from this calculation so that players with high potential can get signed by some of the lower schools and develop them into great players.

    13. Bug Fix: Players scouted during the previous season should now always be "signable" by the team the following season.

    14. Improved defensive performance within the engine to better balance game play.

    15. A world overview page that can be seen by users who are not in the world as means to keep tabs on what is happening in each world without being in it has been added. This page will provide standings, rankings, stats, etc. and can be accessed from the landing page, signup page, or the Office menu.

    16. A blogs tab has been added to profiles to facilitate posting information to external sites.

    17. A new copy link has been added to profiles to facilitate the copy/paste of player/team profiles and information into the coaches corners.

    18. A complete NFL draft has been implemented. The draft will happen following the NC games and the results can be seen under the Stats menu. Specific team tracking of drafted players can be seen on the History tab of the team profile.

    19. Some cosmetic changes to the history tab on the team profiles to incorporate playoff/bowl icons have been done.

    20. Historical team stats, bot for and against, have been added to the team profiles.

    21. Addition of depth chart information (starters) on the team profiles so that other teams can see who a team lists as its starters.

    22. Elite level jobs are now a little more difficult to retain with coaches who are 'In Jeopardy' having to at least make a BCS level bowl or win a bowl in the tier below to save their jobs.

    23. Strength of schedule rankings have been added as a column to the WIS rankings.

    24. The most recent coaches corner posts can now be seen in the office to make tracking conversations a little easier.

    25. Undercl***men who are eligible to declare early for the NFL draft will now do so if they perform well enough regardless of how many games they have started.

    26. A summary of the various sets used in custom game plans has been added to the practice plan page to help in setting up the team practice plan.
7/6/2008 11:06 AM
7/6/2008 11:06 AM
Thanks, scott.
7/6/2008 4:55 PM
No problem brother. It actually was good to read it again. Its been a while. It was particularly interesting reading the dev chats again.Its good for newbies also who may not even know that this exists.I'll have WIS stick it for a while.
7/6/2008 5:23 PM
Thanks alot scott. The DEV chats have good info in them. I learned a few things from reading it in detail.
7/6/2008 5:40 PM
Its funny. I thought it would only take a few minutes to copy and paste all this information here, but it ended up taking a few hours as it didn't paste well, and i had to clean it all up so it didn't mess up the pages.I also eliminated the need to click all the topics to find out more, i just pasted them with the questions. The pages are long, but at least its all together now.
7/6/2008 5:43 PM
This thread has to be pinned. We can't let useful info like this go away over time. Thanks for your time, Scott, we're all very grateful for all of this.
7/7/2008 1:57 PM
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