We had this chat in our league and I am not sure where to post it as a suggestion. It is in response to the latest update regarding position changes. Here is the cut and paste: dawgkid
4/2/2009 10:15:00 AM
I like the idea of adding a a possible positon change to the recruitng process. In real world, some kids would take to it and others would not. I wonder if WIS has considered allowing an adaptability rating that shows us how willing and able a ...
4/2/2009 10:15:00 AM
...player would take to a position change. Not necessarily show us exactly how much the ratings would drop. I do like the idea of not being able to make unrealistic moves. It is a little silly if you can take a OL and make him a better QB than the ...
4/2/2009 10:15:00 AM
...entire QB pool. But switching OL to DL and vice versa should be allowable w/o a big hit. IN fact, it should be encouraged and the adaptabilty rating may actually allow them to improve ratings if a player would excel at a pos change.