Matt Nokes

Eligible Seasons: 1985-1994
Best Season: 1987

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Hitting Stats
1985 San Francisco GiantsC1955533112025009113.92.4$200K
1987 Detroit TigersC135508461691331423287217035682.36.4$3.78M
1988 Detroit TigersC12242538253961801653015834148.94.3$3.28M
1989 Detroit TigersC872902681567100939103717230.23.8$2.05M
1990 Detroit TigersC441181111230513800144212.43.9$1.59M
1990 New York YankeesC92264240215740832223320425.33.5$2.23M
1991 New York YankeesC135493456521222002477324925565.95.0$3.08M
1992 New York YankeesC1214303844286912259016237345.23.9$2.14M
1993 New York YankeesC762382172554801035003116227.94.4$1.37M
1994 New York YankeesC28857911233071900165015.57.1$836K
Advanced Hitting Stats
1985 San Francisco GiantsC195553.20882.212.23674.241.35896.363.59586.603.038$200K
1987 Detroit TigersC135508461.289109.287.345103.342.536126.513.880116.856.069$3.78M
1988 Detroit TigersC122425382.25197.253.31396.315.424109.420.737103.735.042$3.28M
1989 Detroit TigersC87290268.25096.251.29891.299.388101.387.68697.686.034$2.05M
1990 Detroit TigersC44118111.270104.272.30593.306.414107.412.719101.718.027$1.59M
1990 New York YankeesC92264240.23892.239.30794.308.35491.352.66192.659.033$2.23M
1991 New York YankeesC135493456.268103.269.30894.308.469119.463.778107.771.053$3.08M
1992 New York YankeesC121430384.22486.225.29389.293.424110.423.718101.716.057$2.14M
1993 New York YankeesC76238217.24993.247.30390.299.424104.411.72698.710.046$1.37M
1994 New York YankeesC288579.291107.286.32996.322.595137.569.924119.890.089$836K
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1985 San Francisco Giants--C/A/D-----------$200K
1987 Detroit Tigers--B+/B+/D-----D/D---D/D-$3.78M
1988 Detroit Tigers--B/B/A+----------$3.28M
1989 Detroit Tigers--C-/B-/B+----------$2.05M
1990 Detroit Tigers--B+/D+/A+--------D/D-$1.59M
1990 New York Yankees--B+/D+/A+--------D/D-$2.23M
1991 New York Yankees--B+/B+/C-----------$3.08M
1992 New York Yankees--B+/B/D----------$2.14M
1993 New York Yankees--B+/C/C-----------$1.37M
1994 New York Yankees--C/C/D-----------$836K
Player Awards
TeamAll-StarMVPGold GloveRookie of the YearCy YoungReliever of the YearSalary
1985 San Francisco Giants      $200K
1987 Detroit TigersX     $3.78M
1988 Detroit Tigers      $3.28M
1989 Detroit Tigers      $2.05M
1990 Detroit Tigers      $1.59M
1990 New York Yankees      $2.23M
1991 New York Yankees      $3.08M
1992 New York Yankees      $2.14M
1993 New York Yankees      $1.37M
1994 New York Yankees      $836K

The entire playing career for Matt Nokes is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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