Jack O'Brien

Eligible Seasons: 1885-1890
Best Season: 1890

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Hitting Stats
1885 Philadelphia AthleticsC6225022535609123017212020528.44.4$2.33M
1886 Philadelphia AthleticsC1054684236510725705623293738755.14.4$3.36M
1887 Brooklyn DodgersC3012912318284111789106011.33.0$795K
1888 Baltimore OriolesC57217196254411501814151617423.33.9$1.47M
1890 Philadelphia Athletics1B109497433801132414480312539521274.76.0$3.82M
Advanced Hitting Stats
1885 Philadelphia AthleticsC62250225.267108.275.340117.359.342104.369.682110.728.009$2.33M
1886 Philadelphia AthleticsC105468423.253104.263.325106.337.345107.375.670107.711.000$3.36M
1887 Brooklyn DodgersC30129123.22884.223.26478.260.30182.308.56480.568.008$795K
1888 Baltimore OriolesC57217196.22494.236.300101.315.332105.365.631103.680.000$1.47M
1890 Philadelphia Athletics1B109497433.261103.266.356108.356.409123.435.765116.791.009$3.82M
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1885 Philadelphia Athletics--D/B+/C-D-/D---D-/D-D-/D-D-/D-$2.33M
1886 Philadelphia Athletics--D+/A/C+D-/D-D-/D-D/AD-/D-D-/D-$3.36M
1887 Brooklyn Dodgers--D/B/D+--D-/D-----D-/D-$795K
1888 Baltimore Orioles--C-/A/D+D-/D-------D/D+$1.47M
1890 Philadelphia Athletics--D-/D-/C----------$3.82M

The entire playing career for Jack O'Brien is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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