Johnny O'Brien

Eligible Seasons: 1953-1959
Best Season: 1955

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Hitting Stats
1953 Pittsburgh Pirates2B893122792869132222113621427.83.4$1.39M
1955 Pittsburgh Pirates2B843042782283152125111920135.84.7$1.78M
1956 Pittsburgh Pirates2B7311410413181003007504.21.3$218K
1957 Pittsburgh PiratesP1639357112101004125.45.8$429K
1959 Milwaukee Braves2B441331161623401800151118.52.3$404K
Advanced Hitting Stats
1953 Pittsburgh Pirates2B89312279.24793.246.30992.306.33080.316.63986.623.007$1.39M
1955 Pittsburgh Pirates2B84304278.299115.301.346105.346.37893.366.72398.711.004$1.78M
1956 Pittsburgh Pirates2B73114104.17368.175.20965.212.18346.177.39254.389.000$218K
1957 Pittsburgh PiratesP163935.314121.316.368114.372.429107.420.797110.792.000$429K
1959 Milwaukee Braves2B44133116.19876.199.27183.273.25965.251.53073.524.009$404K
Pitching Stats
1957 Pittsburgh Pirates16103040.02419276.086.356.34.2931.750.794.285.401.58$429K
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1953 Pittsburgh Pirates------B/D---D/D---$1.39M
1955 Pittsburgh Pirates------C/D+------$1.78M
1956 Pittsburgh PiratesC/D-----D/D---D/D---$218K
1957 Pittsburgh PiratesB/D----C-/D---C/D---$429K
1959 Milwaukee Braves------A-/D-------$404K

The entire playing career for Johnny O'Brien is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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