Johnny Peacock

Eligible Seasons: 1938-1945
Best Season: 1942

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Hitting Stats
1938 Boston Red SoxC7221419529597113941417027.55.1$1.27M
1939 Boston Red SoxC923122743376114036111129034.54.4$1.72M
1940 Boston Red SoxC63156131203741013111023016.54.4$941K
1941 Boston Red SoxC79286261287420102721321133.24.5$2.05M
1942 Boston Red SoxC88309286177673025111121028.33.4$2.16M
1943 Boston Red SoxC4812611472331071191007.42.1$736K
1944 Philadelphia Blue Jay'sC83284253215793021101531023.33.0$1.69M
1945 Brooklyn DodgersC48134110112851014241024016.15.0$905K
1945 Philadelphia Blue Jay'sC3380746156006100605.52.4$463K
Advanced Hitting Stats
1938 Boston Red SoxC72214195.303108.293.358100.344.36488.348.72394.692.005$1.27M
1939 Boston Red SoxC92312274.277100.269.34799.335.34785.335.69391.670.000$1.72M
1940 Boston Red SoxC63156131.282104.278.390114.382.32881.317.71896.699.000$941K
1941 Boston Red SoxC79286261.284106.281.33999.333.36895.365.70797.698.000$2.05M
1942 Boston Red SoxC88309286.266103.268.31696.316.31187.323.62791.639.000$2.16M
1943 Boston Red SoxC48126114.20281.207.26683.269.24672.262.51277.532.000$736K
1944 Philadelphia Blue Jay'sC83284253.22586.226.31095.311.28578.293.59486.604.000$1.69M
1945 Brooklyn DodgersC48134110.25596.253.388117.386.31888.327.706101.713.000$905K
1945 Philadelphia Blue Jay'sC338074.20377.202.26379.261.28478.292.54678.553.000$463K
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1938 Boston Red Sox--B-/D/DD-/D-------D/D-$1.27M
1939 Boston Red Sox--D+/D+/D+----------$1.72M
1940 Boston Red Sox--A/D/D+----------$941K
1941 Boston Red Sox--B/C/B-----------$2.05M
1942 Boston Red Sox--B/D/B+----------$2.16M
1943 Boston Red Sox--C-/C-/C----------$736K
1944 Philadelphia Blue Jay's--B+/D+/B---D-/D-------$1.69M
1945 Brooklyn Dodgers--C-/D/C-----------$905K
1945 Philadelphia Blue Jay's--C-/D/C-----------$463K

The entire playing career for Johnny Peacock is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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