Phil Plantier

Eligible Seasons: 1991-1997
Best Season: 1993

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Hitting Stats
1991 Boston Red SoxOF531741482749711135103823140.110.3$1.81M
1992 Boston Red SoxOF1083993494686190730238344241.84.0$1.93M
1993 San Diego PadresOF13853646267111201341004512461781.25.8$3.94M
1994 San Diego PadresOF9638534144752101841319136545.14.3$2.89M
1995 Houston AstrosOF228368121720415001911112.46.2$473K
1995 San Diego PadresOF54165148213840519112917019.04.4$860K
1996 Oakland AthleticsOF73263231294981731225628324.93.4$1.19M
1997 St. Louis CardinalsOF42129113132980518032711315.34.5$672K
Advanced Hitting Stats
1991 Boston Red SoxOF53174148.331127.332.420128.420.615156.6091.0341431.028.074$1.81M
1992 Boston Red SoxOF108399349.24695.248.332101.333.36194.360.69497.693.020$1.93M
1993 San Diego PadresOF138536462.24091.240.335102.335.509128.500.843116.835.074$3.94M
1994 San Diego PadresOF96385341.22082.218.30291.300.440106.423.74299.724.053$2.89M
1995 Houston AstrosOF228368.25095.250.349105.348.456112.443.805109.791.059$473K
1995 San Diego PadresOF54165148.25797.256.333101.332.38595.373.71897.705.034$860K
1996 Oakland AthleticsOF73263231.21277.206.30487.294.34678.317.65182.611.030$1.19M
1997 St. Louis CardinalsOF42129113.25798.256.333100.331.460112.446.794107.777.044$672K
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1991 Boston Red Sox------------C/C-$1.81M
1992 Boston Red Sox------------C/D+$1.93M
1993 San Diego Padres------------A-/C$3.94M
1994 San Diego Padres------------B+/D+$2.89M
1995 Houston Astros------------D/D-$473K
1995 San Diego Padres------------D/D-$860K
1996 Oakland Athletics------------C/C+$1.19M
1997 St. Louis Cardinals------------B/D-$672K

The entire playing career for Phil Plantier is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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