Lew Riggs

Eligible Seasons: 1935-1942
Best Season: 1938

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Hitting Stats
1935 Cincinnati Reds3B14258353273148268546893243271.54.7$3.43M
1936 Cincinnati Reds3B141588538691382012657563338762.74.0$3.49M
1937 Cincinnati Reds3B1224113844393175645451724139.93.5$2.43M
1938 Cincinnati Reds3B142589531531342113255342840559.43.8$3.64M
1940 Cincinnati Reds3B41747282171190042010.05.0$463K
1941 Brooklyn Dodgers3B772201972760134536111216035.16.5$1.64M
1942 Brooklyn Dodgers3B7019918020505032200913221.84.3$983K
Advanced Hitting Stats
1935 Cincinnati Reds3B142583532.278100.271.334101.333.38598.381.720100.714.009$3.43M
1936 Cincinnati Reds3B141588538.25792.249.31494.311.37296.370.68695.681.011$3.49M
1937 Cincinnati Reds3B122411384.24289.238.28987.287.35994.359.64891.647.016$2.43M
1938 Cincinnati Reds3B142589531.25294.250.31195.311.35294.355.66394.666.004$3.64M
1940 Cincinnati Reds3B417472.292111.291.31195.312.458122.462.769110.774.014$463K
1941 Brooklyn Dodgers3B77220197.305118.307.357109.358.487135.499.844123.857.025$1.64M
1942 Brooklyn Dodgers3B70199180.278112.285.333105.339.356104.375.689104.714.017$983K
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1935 Cincinnati Reds--------D+/B----$3.43M
1936 Cincinnati Reds--------A/C-----$3.49M
1937 Cincinnati Reds--------C/A+----$2.43M
1938 Cincinnati Reds--------C+/B+----$3.64M
1940 Cincinnati Reds--------C/B+----$463K
1941 Brooklyn Dodgers----D-/DD-/D-D+/B-----$1.64M
1942 Brooklyn Dodgers----C-/D---C+/D-----$983K
Player Awards
TeamAll-StarMVPGold GloveRookie of the YearCy YoungReliever of the YearSalary
1935 Cincinnati Reds      $3.43M
1936 Cincinnati RedsX     $3.49M
1937 Cincinnati Reds      $2.43M
1938 Cincinnati Reds      $3.64M
1940 Cincinnati Reds      $463K
1941 Brooklyn Dodgers      $1.64M
1942 Brooklyn Dodgers      $983K

The entire playing career for Lew Riggs is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

For information regarding statistical abbreviations, please View the Statistics Legend

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