Topper Rigney

Eligible Seasons: 1922-1927
Best Season: 1926

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Hitting Stats
1922 Detroit TigersSS155642536681611772631784468184.45.6$3.82M
1923 Detroit TigersSS129560470631482411174753555283.16.5$3.76M
1924 Detroit TigersSS14763349981144299494111139102193.86.5$4.40M
1925 Detroit TigersSS62170146213652218221521019.14.4$769K
1926 Boston Red SoxSS148659525711423264536831108089.15.8$4.66M
1927 Washington SenatorsSS45157132203654013121022120.55.3$884K
Advanced Hitting Stats
1922 Detroit TigersSS155642536.300106.289.380109.370.36993.362.750100.732.004$3.82M
1923 Detroit TigersSS129560470.315111.304.389111.377.419108.416.808109.793.002$3.76M
1924 Detroit TigersSS147633499.28999.274.410114.394.407102.399.817108.794.008$4.40M
1925 Detroit TigersSS62170146.24785.233.34195.326.34986.337.69190.663.014$769K
1926 Boston Red SoxSS148659525.27096.261.395112.383.37796.373.772104.756.008$4.66M
1927 Washington SenatorsSS45157132.27396.261.381108.369.37193.363.752100.732.000$884K
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1922 Detroit Tigers----------C-/D--$3.82M
1923 Detroit Tigers----------C/D--$3.76M
1924 Detroit Tigers----------B/D--$4.40M
1925 Detroit Tigers--------D+/D-C-/D---$769K
1926 Boston Red Sox----------A-/C---$4.66M
1927 Washington Senators--------D+/C-D+/C--$884K

The entire playing career for Topper Rigney is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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