Rich Rollins

Eligible Seasons: 1962-1969
Best Season: 1962

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Hitting Stats
1962 Minnesota Twins3B1597216249618623516963161756104.46.1$5.19M
1963 Minnesota Twins3B136586531751632311661205936883.85.8$4.43M
1964 Minnesota Twins3B1486655968716125101268258053579.94.6$4.45M
1965 Minnesota Twins3B14052246959117221532405437448.13.5$3.52M
1966 Minnesota Twins3B902932693066711040023413427.73.4$1.39M
1967 Minnesota Twins3B1093743393183112639115827334.33.4$1.69M
1968 Minnesota Twins3B93218203144950630313410319.53.2$941K
1969 Seattle Pilots3B5820118715427042120197516.52.9$870K
Advanced Hitting Stats
1962 Minnesota Twins3B159721624.298117.302.374115.376.428109.422.802111.798.026$5.19M
1963 Minnesota Twins3B136586531.307124.315.359115.367.444117.446.803116.813.030$4.43M
1964 Minnesota Twins3B148665596.270109.278.334106.341.406106.406.740106.747.020$4.45M
1965 Minnesota Twins3B140522469.249103.260.30999.317.33390.339.64194.656.011$3.52M
1966 Minnesota Twins3B90293269.245102.256.28694.297.390106.397.677100.695.037$1.39M
1967 Minnesota Twins3B109374339.245104.258.305101.318.34297.357.64899.675.018$1.69M
1968 Minnesota Twins3B93218203.241105.257.28796.302.355105.376.642101.678.030$941K
1969 Seattle Pilots3B58201187.22591.232.27084.274.32688.332.59686.606.021$870K
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1962 Minnesota Twins--------C/B+D-/D---$5.19M
1963 Minnesota Twins------D-/D-C/B+----$4.43M
1964 Minnesota Twins--------C+/B+----$4.45M
1965 Minnesota Twins------C/A-B/A----$3.52M
1966 Minnesota Twins------D-/D-C+/D--D/D-$1.39M
1967 Minnesota Twins--------B/D-----$1.69M
1968 Minnesota Twins--------D+/D-----$941K
1969 Seattle Pilots--------C/B-D-/D---$870K
Player Awards
TeamAll-StarMVPGold GloveRookie of the YearCy YoungReliever of the YearSalary
1962 Minnesota TwinsX     $5.19M
1963 Minnesota Twins      $4.43M
1964 Minnesota Twins      $4.45M
1965 Minnesota Twins      $3.52M
1966 Minnesota Twins      $1.39M
1967 Minnesota Twins      $1.69M
1968 Minnesota Twins      $941K
1969 Seattle Pilots      $870K

The entire playing career for Rich Rollins is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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