Frank Scheibeck

Eligible Seasons: 1890-1901
Best Season: 1890

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Hitting Stats
1890 Toledo MaumeesSS1345664857211713514957374276567.84.7$3.63M
1894 Pittsburgh PiratesSS2811310220362311076911022.38.6$966K
1894 Washington SenatorsSS5224519649452401711102445428.24.8$1.24M
1895 Washington SenatorsSS48189167173152025552117112.82.4$702K
1899 Washington SenatorsSS27109941927410955811114.45.5$568K
1901 Cleveland BluesSS933593293370113038332718224.82.4$1.41M
Advanced Hitting Stats
1890 Toledo MaumeesSS134566485.24196.246.350106.350.29589.318.64597.667.002$3.63M
1894 Pittsburgh PiratesSS28113102.353114.327.416110.389.461106.434.877108.823.010$966K
1894 Washington SenatorsSS52245196.23074.210.384101.358.28165.259.66482.617.000$1.24M
1895 Washington SenatorsSS48189167.18663.173.26573.251.24060.233.50466.484.000$702K
1899 Washington SenatorsSS2710994.287102.277.368107.360.35196.359.719101.719.000$568K
1901 Cleveland BluesSS93359329.21377.207.25878.256.26471.269.52274.525.000$1.41M
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1890 Toledo Maumees----------D/B--$3.63M
1894 Pittsburgh Pirates------D-/D-D/DD/C-D/C-$966K
1894 Washington Senators------D-/DD/D+D/CD/C$1.24M
1895 Washington Senators------D/D-D/DD/D--$702K
1899 Washington Senators----------D/D---$568K
1901 Cleveland Blues----------D/D---$1.41M

The entire playing career for Frank Scheibeck is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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