Richie Scheinblum

Eligible Seasons: 1967-1974
Best Season: 1972

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Hitting Stats
1967 Cleveland IndiansOF187366821420602105010.25.5$557K
1968 Cleveland IndiansOF1964553125005008515.03.0$254K
1969 Cleveland IndiansOF102222199133751113023019011.21.7$677K
1972 Kansas City RoyalsOF13451845060135214866014058470.55.7$3.61M
1973 California AngelsOF772682292875102321002735142.17.0$1.83M
1973 Cincinnati RedsOF29655451220180041006.43.9$200K
1974 Kansas City RoyalsDH3691837152002018803.81.4$200K
Advanced Hitting Stats
1967 Cleveland IndiansOF187366.318135.334.361119.375.439125.456.801122.830.000$557K
1968 Cleveland IndiansOF196455.21895.233.28195.296.30991.329.59093.625.000$254K
1969 Cleveland IndiansOF102222199.18676.193.25379.257.23664.241.49071.498.005$677K
1972 Kansas City RoyalsOF134518450.300125.313.383125.395.418122.438.800123.833.018$3.61M
1973 California AngelsOF77268229.328126.329.417127.418.428112.428.845119.846.013$1.83M
1973 Cincinnati RedsOF296554.22287.226.338105.342.31584.318.65394.660.019$200K
1974 Kansas City RoyalsDH369183.18170.182.25378.255.20555.209.45866.464.000$200K
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1967 Cleveland Indians------------C/C+$557K
1968 Cleveland Indians------------C/A-$254K
1969 Cleveland Indians------------C/D-$677K
1972 Kansas City Royals------------D+/D+$3.61M
1973 California Angels------------C-/D-$1.83M
1973 Cincinnati Reds------------C-/D$200K
1974 Kansas City Royals------------D-/D$200K
Player Awards
TeamAll-StarMVPGold GloveRookie of the YearCy YoungReliever of the YearSalary
1967 Cleveland Indians      $557K
1968 Cleveland Indians      $254K
1969 Cleveland Indians      $677K
1972 Kansas City RoyalsX     $3.61M
1973 California Angels      $1.83M
1973 Cincinnati Reds      $200K
1974 Kansas City Royals      $200K

The entire playing career for Richie Scheinblum is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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