Gordon Slade

Eligible Seasons: 1931-1935
Best Season: 1934

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Hitting Stats
1931 Brooklyn DodgersSS853052722765132129222823529.23.6$1.57M
1932 Brooklyn DodgersSS792692502360151123332611324.23.2$1.65M
1933 St. Louis CardinalsSS397062671003107601.6.7$200K
1934 Cincinnati RedsSS13859955561158198452663425465.74.2$4.13M
1935 Cincinnati RedsSS712191962255100114001616223.44.2$1.04M
Advanced Hitting Stats
1931 Brooklyn DodgersSS85305272.23986.232.31093.308.31381.310.62386.618.004$1.57M
1932 Brooklyn DodgersSS79269250.24087.234.28086.281.32081.314.60083.594.004$1.65M
1933 St. Louis CardinalsSS397062.11342.112.19160.195.12936.134.32047.329.000$200K
1934 Cincinnati RedsSS138599555.285102.276.32096.318.36994.364.69095.682.007$4.13M
1935 Cincinnati RedsSS71219196.281101.273.341103.340.34789.343.68895.683.005$1.04M
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1931 Brooklyn Dodgers--------C/C-C/B---$1.57M
1932 Brooklyn Dodgers--------A/BC/D--$1.65M
1933 St. Louis Cardinals----------C-/D---$200K
1934 Cincinnati Reds------A/C--C/C--$4.13M
1935 Cincinnati Reds------D/D-D/D-D/D-D/D+$1.04M

The entire playing career for Gordon Slade is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

For information regarding statistical abbreviations, please View the Statistics Legend

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