Earl Smith

Eligible Seasons: 1917-1922
Best Season: 1920

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Hitting Stats
1917 St. Louis BrownsOF52222199315677010542115028.05.0$1.81M
1918 St. Louis BrownsOF89319286287710503213111613133.54.1$2.23M
1919 St. Louis BrownsOF882852522163125136112718028.73.9$1.84M
1920 St. Louis Browns3B103377353451082183551141813353.55.5$2.30M
1921 St. Louis BrownsOF258378726422140043115.07.4$585K
1921 Washington SenatorsOF59196180203952212101910215.52.8$701K
1922 Washington SenatorsOF65221205225312212344178221.33.5$1.04M
Advanced Hitting Stats
1917 St. Louis BrownsOF52222199.281114.289.332104.338.387121.419.719113.757.000$1.81M
1918 St. Louis BrownsOF89319286.269106.274.30394.306.339105.369.642100.675.000$2.23M
1919 St. Louis BrownsOF88285252.25093.247.30090.298.34997.361.64994.659.004$1.84M
1920 St. Louis Browns3B103377353.306108.295.33697.327.436113.434.772105.761.008$2.30M
1921 St. Louis BrownsOF258378.333114.317.366103.352.513126.499.879115.851.026$585K
1921 Washington SenatorsOF59196180.21774.204.26675.254.30073.289.56674.542.011$701K
1922 Washington SenatorsOF65221205.25991.248.29384.284.35188.344.64486.628.005$1.04M
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1917 St. Louis Browns------------B/A-$1.81M
1918 St. Louis Browns------------D+/B$2.23M
1919 St. Louis Browns------------C+/B+$1.84M
1920 St. Louis Browns--------D/C---D/C$2.30M
1921 St. Louis Browns--------D/D+--D/C+$585K
1921 Washington Senators--------D/D+--D/C+$701K
1922 Washington Senators--------D-/D---D/C$1.04M

The entire playing career for Earl Smith is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

For information regarding statistical abbreviations, please View the Statistics Legend

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