Manny Alexander

Eligible Seasons: 1995-2000
Best Season: 1995

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Hitting Stats
1995 Baltimore Orioles2B942682423557913231143020224.73.3$1.26M
1996 Baltimore OriolesSS547368670004332730.7.3$200K
1997 Chicago CubsSS33111991129311721168213.04.7$609K
1997 New York MetsSS54161149263793215110389118.34.2$774K
1998 Chicago CubsSS1082892643460101525416618124.13.0$1.10M
1999 Chicago CubsSS901891771748112015403810020.74.1$791K
2000 Boston Red Sox3B101209194304143419204113017.72.9$696K
Advanced Hitting Stats
1995 Baltimore Orioles2B94268242.23687.232.29987.292.31875.298.61780.590.012$1.26M
1996 Baltimore OriolesSS547368.10337.100.14140.135.10323.091.24431.227.000$200K
1997 Chicago CubsSS3311199.293111.293.358107.355.37491.360.73298.716.010$609K
1997 New York MetsSS54161149.24894.248.29488.292.38995.375.68392.667.013$774K
1998 Chicago CubsSS108289264.22787.228.27884.277.33080.317.60882.594.019$1.10M
1999 Chicago CubsSS90189177.271101.268.30990.302.35683.334.66486.636.000$791K
2000 Boston Red Sox3B101209194.21177.206.26175.252.32573.297.58674.550.021$696K
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1995 Baltimore Orioles------C-/D-C-/D-D/D---$1.26M
1996 Baltimore OriolesC-/D-----D/D-D/D-D/D-D/D-$200K
1997 Chicago Cubs------B/D-C-/D-C/D--$609K
1997 New York Mets------B/D-C-/DC/D+--$774K
1998 Chicago Cubs------B-/D-C+/D-C+/D-C/D-$1.10M
1999 Chicago Cubs------A+/D-D/D-A+/D-A/D-$791K
2000 Boston Red Sox------D-/D-C/D-A+/D---$696K

The entire playing career for Manny Alexander is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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