John Sullivan

Eligible Seasons: 1942-1949
Best Season: 1943

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Hitting Stats
1942 Washington SenatorsSS943893573884161042203025030.32.8$1.62M
1943 Washington SenatorsSS1345254564995122155625957137.82.7$2.81M
1944 Washington SenatorsSS13853347149118121030334352044.63.2$2.53M
1947 Washington SenatorsSS4915713313340105021422014.43.6$907K
1948 Washington SenatorsSS85198173253641012222522014.02.6$695K
1949 St. Louis BrownsSS105286243295583018523538024.73.3$1.22M
Advanced Hitting Stats
1942 Washington SenatorsSS94389357.23592.238.28587.285.28680.297.57183.582.000$1.62M
1943 Washington SenatorsSS134525456.20884.214.29893.301.25073.267.54883.568.002$2.81M
1944 Washington SenatorsSS138533471.25196.252.325100.327.28079.293.60589.620.000$2.53M
1947 Washington SenatorsSS49157133.256100.259.361108.359.27174.278.63291.637.000$907K
1948 Washington SenatorsSS85198173.20878.207.29785.288.24364.243.54074.531.000$695K
1949 St. Louis BrownsSS105286243.22686.226.33194.319.28475.285.61584.605.000$1.22M
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1942 Washington Senators----------D+/D+--$1.62M
1943 Washington Senators----------C/A--$2.81M
1944 Washington Senators----------D+/C+--$2.53M
1947 Washington Senators------C/D+--B-/B---$907K
1948 Washington Senators------D+/D---C/D---$695K
1949 St. Louis Browns------D/D-D+/D-D+/D---$1.22M

The entire playing career for John Sullivan is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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