Lee Tannehill

Eligible Seasons: 1903-1911
Best Season: 1911

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Hitting Stats
1903 Chicago White SoxSS1385475034811314325010124325140.72.7$2.67M
1904 Chicago White Sox3B1535865475012531506114194720347.42.9$3.87M
1905 Chicago White Sox3B14254948038961720398113845438.12.5$2.83M
1906 Chicago White Sox3B1164283782669830337102931525.32.1$2.47M
1907 Chicago White Sox3B3311910892620011349809.52.9$474K
1908 Chicago White Sox3B14153048244104153035684025236.12.4$2.62M
1909 Chicago White Sox3B1555945313911821504712164531345.82.8$3.33M
1910 Chicago White SoxSS672552301751100121341911218.92.7$1.13M
1911 Chicago White SoxSS14157151660131176049004632251.93.4$4.60M
Advanced Hitting Stats
1903 Chicago White SoxSS138547503.22588.228.26387.274.27680.293.53983.567.004$2.67M
1904 Chicago White Sox3B153586547.22993.237.26088.275.30395.332.56391.607.000$3.87M
1905 Chicago White Sox3B142549480.20083.209.27492.288.24478.272.51884.560.000$2.83M
1906 Chicago White Sox3B116428378.18373.188.25484.265.22069.244.47376.509.000$2.47M
1907 Chicago White Sox3B33119108.24197.248.29397.306.25984.291.55290.597.000$474K
1908 Chicago White Sox3B141530482.21690.226.25787.273.25985.293.51786.566.000$2.62M
1909 Chicago White Sox3B155594531.22291.231.26989.281.28191.314.55090.595.000$3.33M
1910 Chicago White SoxSS67255230.22291.230.26386.273.27889.309.54287.582.004$1.13M
1911 Chicago White SoxSS141571516.25493.249.30089.296.31087.321.61088.617.000$4.60M
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1903 Chicago White Sox----------D+/B---$2.67M
1904 Chicago White Sox--------B/A+----$3.87M
1905 Chicago White Sox--------C/A+----$2.83M
1906 Chicago White Sox--------B/A+C/A--$2.47M
1907 Chicago White Sox--------D+/B+D-/D---$474K
1908 Chicago White Sox--------C/A-D-/D---$2.62M
1909 Chicago White Sox--------C+/DC/A--$3.33M
1910 Chicago White Sox----B/C--C/DB-/D+--$1.13M
1911 Chicago White Sox----A+/AC/A+B/AB/A+--$4.60M

The entire playing career for Lee Tannehill is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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