Roxy Walters

Eligible Seasons: 1916-1924
Best Season: 1916

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Hitting Stats
1916 New York YankeesC66225203135493023244214224.14.1$2.14M
1917 New York YankeesC6118717116452001424229115.83.2$1.46M
1918 New York YankeesC6420519118385101236189112.02.0$1.15M
1919 Boston Red SoxC4815413572620091215758.72.0$1.05M
1920 Boston Red SoxC883082582551111028222130923.12.8$1.97M
1921 Boston Red SoxC54186169173441014301110211.72.2$1.58M
1922 Boston Red SoxC38109984192006008605.81.9$1.08M
1923 Boston Red SoxC401171049264005026208.12.6$1.26M
1924 Cleveland IndiansC328774101920050161008.13.7$1.32M
Advanced Hitting Stats
1916 New York YankeesC66225203.266107.273.320100.323.340105.369.660102.692.000$2.14M
1917 New York YankeesC61187171.263106.271.30496.309.27586.302.57991.612.000$1.46M
1918 New York YankeesC64205191.19978.203.23974.241.23673.260.47473.501.000$1.15M
1919 Boston Red SoxC48154135.19372.190.25978.257.20758.216.46667.472.000$1.05M
1920 Boston Red SoxC88308258.19870.189.30387.294.24864.246.55175.541.000$1.97M
1921 Boston Red SoxC54186169.20169.189.25471.243.23758.227.49164.470.000$1.58M
1922 Boston Red SoxC3810998.19468.185.24069.233.21454.209.45561.441.000$1.08M
1923 Boston Red SoxC40117104.25088.240.26475.255.28874.286.55375.541.000$1.26M
1924 Cleveland IndiansC328774.25788.243.34596.330.28471.278.62983.608.000$1.32M
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1916 New York Yankees--C/A/A+----------$2.14M
1917 New York Yankees--C-/A-/B+----------$1.46M
1918 New York Yankees--D/C+/C--------D/D-$1.15M
1919 Boston Red Sox--B-/C/B----------$1.05M
1920 Boston Red Sox--B-/B/A-D-/D---------$1.97M
1921 Boston Red Sox--A-/B/A+----------$1.58M
1922 Boston Red Sox--D+/D+/A----------$1.08M
1923 Boston Red Sox--C/D+/A--D-/D-------$1.26M
1924 Cleveland Indians--C/D/A+--D-/D-------$1.32M

The entire playing career for Roxy Walters is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

For information regarding statistical abbreviations, please View the Statistics Legend

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