Sammy White

Eligible Seasons: 1952-1962
Best Season: 1954

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Hitting Stats
1952 Boston Red SoxC115399381351072021049234316044.84.1$3.08M
1953 Boston Red SoxC136515476591303421364324829261.74.5$3.81M
1954 Boston Red SoxC137530493461392521475135021060.14.3$3.83M
1955 Boston Red SoxC143603544651423041164125844764.14.0$3.82M
1956 Boston Red SoxC1144333922896152544214035036.63.1$2.75M
1957 Boston Red SoxC1113703402473101331013825022.02.1$2.04M
1958 Boston Red SoxC1023513282585153635113721136.63.8$2.30M
1959 Boston Red SoxC11940537734107134142423923139.73.7$2.88M
1961 Milwaukee BravesC2168631141015009204.42.3$200K
1962 Philadelphia PhilliesC4110397721402120016215.82.0$682K
Advanced Hitting Stats
1952 Boston Red SoxC115399381.281111.286.31094.309.423116.431.732105.741.026$3.08M
1953 Boston Red SoxC136515476.273104.273.31894.314.435113.434.752105.748.027$3.81M
1954 Boston Red SoxC137530493.282110.285.30793.305.426114.431.732104.736.028$3.83M
1955 Boston Red SoxC143603544.261101.263.32396.319.392103.392.714100.711.020$3.82M
1956 Boston Red SoxC114433392.24594.246.30489.298.33284.326.63686.625.013$2.75M
1957 Boston Red SoxC111370340.21584.218.26782.268.27672.276.54477.545.009$2.04M
1958 Boston Red SoxC102351328.259102.263.30595.308.37899.378.68397.686.018$2.30M
1959 Boston Red SoxC119405377.284112.289.324100.327.34790.347.67295.674.003$2.88M
1961 Milwaukee BravesC216863.22285.222.24274.243.28671.276.52872.519.016$200K
1962 Philadelphia PhilliesC4110397.21683.217.23873.238.32081.315.55777.553.021$682K
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1952 Boston Red Sox--C/C/B+----------$3.08M
1953 Boston Red Sox--B-/C+/B+----------$3.81M
1954 Boston Red Sox--C/B+/B+----------$3.83M
1955 Boston Red Sox--C/B-/B-----------$3.82M
1956 Boston Red Sox--C/B/A-----------$2.75M
1957 Boston Red Sox--C/C/B+----------$2.04M
1958 Boston Red Sox--B-/C/B-----------$2.30M
1959 Boston Red Sox--B/B-/B+----------$2.88M
1961 Milwaukee Braves--D+/B/D-----------$200K
1962 Philadelphia Phillies--D+/C/C+----------$682K
Player Awards
TeamAll-StarMVPGold GloveRookie of the YearCy YoungReliever of the YearSalary
1952 Boston Red Sox      $3.08M
1953 Boston Red SoxX     $3.81M
1954 Boston Red Sox      $3.83M
1955 Boston Red Sox      $3.82M
1956 Boston Red Sox      $2.75M
1957 Boston Red Sox      $2.04M
1958 Boston Red Sox      $2.30M
1959 Boston Red Sox      $2.88M
1961 Milwaukee Braves      $200K
1962 Philadelphia Phillies      $682K

The entire playing career for Sammy White is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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