Whitey Wietelmann

Eligible Seasons: 1939-1947
Best Season: 1943

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Hitting Stats
1939 Boston BeesSS2371692141005119202.71.3$200K
1943 Boston BravesSS153591534331151410399104046340.02.4$3.42M
1944 Boston BravesSS12546341746100181232002533339.83.2$2.17M
1945 Boston Braves2B12347142853116153433442739253.94.4$2.77M
1946 Boston BravesSS44927871600050081406.22.5$266K
1947 Pittsburgh PiratesSS4814012821304117001012010.82.8$521K
Advanced Hitting Stats
1939 Boston BeesSS237169.20375.199.22567.223.21756.216.44361.439.000$200K
1943 Boston BravesSS153591534.21584.217.28187.283.24571.259.52778.543.000$3.42M
1944 Boston BravesSS125463417.24092.241.30092.302.30283.311.60287.612.005$2.17M
1945 Boston Braves2B123471428.271102.270.335101.333.34896.357.68398.690.009$2.77M
1946 Boston BravesSS449278.20580.208.32699.326.20558.215.53178.541.000$266K
1947 Pittsburgh PiratesSS48140128.23488.233.30089.296.30578.301.60583.597.008$521K
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1939 Boston Bees------C-/D---C/D+--$200K
1943 Boston Braves----------C+/A+--$3.42M
1944 Boston Braves------D/D+C/DC+/D+--$2.17M
1945 Boston BravesB-/C----C+/C-C/DB-/D--$2.77M
1946 Boston BravesB-/C+----C-/D+C/C-C/D---$266K
1947 Pittsburgh Pirates----D-/D-D-/D-D-/D-D-/D---$521K

The entire playing career for Whitey Wietelmann is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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