Eddie Bressoud

Eligible Seasons: 1956-1967
Best Season: 1962

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Hitting Stats
1956 New York GiantsSS4918016315374209102012113.02.6$646K
1957 New York GiantsSS4913612711342251001194215.74.3$677K
1958 San Francisco Giants2B6615413719365308012214015.94.0$685K
1959 San Francisco GiantsSS1043503153679172926005528040.14.3$2.17M
1960 San Francisco GiantsSS1164313863787196943127235240.63.4$2.43M
1961 San Francisco GiantsSS5912811414246031111231109.42.6$479K
1962 Boston Red SoxSS1536575997916640914682311846285.15.0$5.21M
1963 Boston Red SoxSS140559497611292362060119352275.05.2$3.55M
1964 Boston Red SoxSS158644566861664131555119972199.26.3$4.37M
1965 Boston Red SoxSS1073272962967111825017729131.63.5$1.41M
1966 New York MetsSS133464405489115510492210747144.63.6$2.21M
1967 St. Louis CardinalsSS5276678911110018904.01.8$200K
Advanced Hitting Stats
1956 New York GiantsSS49180163.22789.230.28488.288.27669.268.56078.556.000$646K
1957 New York GiantsSS49136127.268103.269.29993.302.433108.424.732101.726.039$677K
1958 San Francisco Giants2B66154137.263100.263.331101.332.34385.332.67492.664.000$685K
1959 San Francisco GiantsSS104350315.25196.252.31196.313.403101.394.71498.707.029$2.17M
1960 San Francisco GiantsSS116431386.22588.229.29091.294.37697.373.66594.667.023$2.43M
1961 San Francisco GiantsSS59128114.21180.211.27684.276.34284.331.61884.608.026$479K
1962 Boston Red SoxSS153657599.277109.281.329101.331.444113.438.773107.769.023$5.21M
1963 Boston Red SoxSS140559497.260105.267.329105.337.451119.452.780113.790.040$3.55M
1964 Boston Red SoxSS158644566.293119.302.372118.380.456119.456.828119.836.027$4.37M
1965 Boston Red SoxSS107327296.22694.236.29795.305.35195.358.64895.663.027$1.41M
1966 New York MetsSS133464405.22588.227.30497.312.36094.360.66595.671.025$2.21M
1967 St. Louis CardinalsSS527667.13454.138.23776.245.22462.231.46168.476.015$200K
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1956 New York Giants----------C/D---$646K
1957 New York Giants--------D+/DD+/D--$677K
1958 San Francisco Giants------C-/D-C-/D-D/D---$685K
1959 San Francisco Giants----A+/D-B/D-B/DA-/C---$2.17M
1960 San Francisco Giants----------C+/C+--$2.43M
1961 San Francisco Giants------C/D-C+/D-B/D---$479K
1962 Boston Red Sox----------B/B+--$5.21M
1963 Boston Red Sox----------C+/D+--$3.55M
1964 Boston Red Sox----------B/D---$4.37M
1965 Boston Red Sox--------C/D-B-/D-C/D-$1.41M
1966 New York Mets----C/D-C/D-C/D+C+/D---$2.21M
1967 St. Louis Cardinals--------D/D-D/D---$200K
Player Awards
TeamAll-StarMVPGold GloveRookie of the YearCy YoungReliever of the YearSalary
1956 New York Giants      $646K
1957 New York Giants      $677K
1958 San Francisco Giants      $685K
1959 San Francisco Giants      $2.17M
1960 San Francisco Giants      $2.43M
1961 San Francisco Giants      $479K
1962 Boston Red Sox      $5.21M
1963 Boston Red Sox      $3.55M
1964 Boston Red SoxX     $4.37M
1965 Boston Red Sox      $1.41M
1966 New York Mets      $2.21M
1967 St. Louis Cardinals      $200K

The entire playing career for Eddie Bressoud is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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