Babe Young

Eligible Seasons: 1939-1948
Best Season: 1940

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Hitting Stats
1939 New York Giants1B228475823403140065314.27.0$510K
1940 New York Giants1B1496325567515927417101462869292.96.0$5.41M
1941 New York Giants1B1526495749015228525104113966593.05.6$4.29M
1942 New York GiantsOF10132828737801711159112234550.46.2$2.40M
1946 New York Giants1B1043212913081110733332130040.44.9$2.04M
1947 Cincinnati Reds1B95403364551032131479002635259.85.8$2.45M
1948 Cincinnati Reds1B49150130113072112001219015.84.0$597K
1948 St. Louis Cardinals1B4112711114275211300616013.64.1$517K
Advanced Hitting Stats
1939 New York Giants1B228475.307113.301.373111.370.480124.478.853118.848.040$510K
1940 New York Giants1B149632556.286108.285.367112.368.441117.444.807115.812.031$5.41M
1941 New York Giants1B152649574.265102.267.346106.347.462128.473.807117.820.044$4.29M
1942 New York GiantsOF101328287.279112.286.365115.371.460134.481.825125.852.038$2.40M
1946 New York Giants1B104321291.278109.282.346105.346.388109.402.734107.748.024$2.04M
1947 Cincinnati Reds1B95403364.283107.281.349103.344.473121.468.822113.813.038$2.45M
1948 Cincinnati Reds1B49150130.23188.231.32999.327.33888.338.66793.665.008$597K
1948 St. Louis Cardinals1B41127111.24393.244.339102.337.35192.351.69096.688.009$517K
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1939 New York Giants----D/B+--------$510K
1940 New York Giants----B/A+--------$5.41M
1941 New York Giants----C-/C+--------$4.29M
1942 New York Giants----C-/D-------C/C-$2.40M
1946 New York Giants----C-/A------C/D-$2.04M
1947 Cincinnati Reds----C/D---------$2.45M
1948 Cincinnati Reds----A-/D-------D-/D-$597K
1948 St. Louis Cardinals----A-/D-------D-/D-$517K

The entire playing career for Babe Young is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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