Guy Zinn

Eligible Seasons: 1912-1915
Best Season: 1912

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Hitting Stats
1912 New York HighlandersOF10646240156105151065517163650162.65.4$2.61M
1913 Boston BravesOF3614713815418211532234119.15.0$1.02M
1914 Baltimore TerrapinsOF612472253063106325662616334.45.4$1.42M
1915 Baltimore TerrapinsOF1023593123084183543222835046.25.2$2.01M
Advanced Hitting Stats
1912 New York HighlandersOF106462401.26299.261.345104.343.394113.412.739109.755.015$2.61M
1913 Boston BravesOF36147138.297113.297.32299.324.406115.420.727107.744.007$1.02M
1914 Baltimore TerrapinsOF61247225.280106.280.336103.337.418118.432.754110.769.013$1.42M
1915 Baltimore TerrapinsOF102359312.269106.273.343107.347.394116.416.737112.763.016$2.01M
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1912 New York Highlanders------------D-/D-$2.61M
1913 Boston Braves------------D+/A+$1.02M
1914 Baltimore Terrapins------------D/D-$1.42M
1915 Baltimore Terrapins------------D+/D-$2.01M

The entire playing career for Guy Zinn is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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