Chris Brown

Eligible Seasons: 1984-1989
Best Season: 1985

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Hitting Stats
1984 San Francisco Giants3B2395846247011121199111.64.9$514K
1985 San Francisco Giants3B1314824325011720316612378381161.04.9$3.48M
1986 San Francisco Giants3B116463416571321637491394333965.45.7$3.27M
1987 San Diego Padres3B44173155173630623313011315.63.3$731K
1987 San Francisco Giants3B3814413217326061713169314.03.5$679K
1988 San Diego Padres3B80274247145860219004919320.12.7$1.29M
1989 Detroit Tigers3B17595731130040017102.31.2$200K
Advanced Hitting Stats
1984 San Francisco Giants3B239584.286112.289.358112.363.405110.411.763111.775.012$514K
1985 San Francisco Giants3B131482432.271107.276.345108.350.442118.447.787114.797.037$3.48M
1986 San Francisco Giants3B116463416.317125.323.376117.380.421111.422.796114.802.017$3.27M
1987 San Diego Padres3B44173155.23289.233.29490.294.36891.357.66290.652.039$731K
1987 San Francisco Giants3B38144132.24293.243.30693.306.424105.413.730100.719.045$679K
1988 San Diego Padres3B80274247.23595.242.29595.304.28378.292.57986.596.008$1.29M
1989 Detroit Tigers3B175957.19374.194.20362.205.24664.245.44963.450.000$200K
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1984 San Francisco Giants--------D/B+----$514K
1985 San Francisco Giants--------A/C----$3.48M
1986 San Francisco Giants--------C-/C-D-/D---$3.27M
1987 San Diego Padres--------D/CD-/D---$731K
1987 San Francisco Giants--------D/C-D-/D---$679K
1988 San Diego Padres--------C+/B----$1.29M
1989 Detroit Tigers--------C/D----$200K
Player Awards
TeamAll-StarMVPGold GloveRookie of the YearCy YoungReliever of the YearSalary
1984 San Francisco Giants      $514K
1985 San Francisco Giants      $3.48M
1986 San Francisco GiantsX     $3.27M
1987 San Diego Padres      $731K
1987 San Francisco Giants      $679K
1988 San Diego Padres      $1.29M
1989 Detroit Tigers      $200K

The entire playing career for Chris Brown is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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