Eddie Brown

Eligible Seasons: 1921-1928
Best Season: 1926

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Hitting Stats
1921 New York GiantsOF7013912816366201210114415.94.4$730K
1924 Brooklyn RobinsOF11448945556140304578351526067.75.4$4.09M
1925 Brooklyn RobinsOF153666618881893911599341822289.55.3$5.04M
1926 Boston BravesOF15365061271201318284542023293.85.8$5.16M
1927 Boston BravesOF1556055586417135627511102028081.25.4$3.99M
1928 Boston BravesOF14256952345140282259652224458.43.9$2.91M
Advanced Hitting Stats
1921 New York GiantsOF70139128.28197.268.32496.319.35990.352.68393.671.000$730K
1924 Brooklyn RobinsOF114489455.308109.297.345102.341.424108.419.769106.760.011$4.09M
1925 Brooklyn RobinsOF153666618.306105.290.33295.322.429104.413.761100.735.008$5.04M
1926 Boston BravesOF153650612.328117.319.355105.350.415108.413.770106.763.003$5.16M
1927 Boston BravesOF155605558.306109.296.340100.335.401104.400.741102.734.004$3.99M
1928 Boston BravesOF142569523.26895.258.30589.298.34086.334.64587.631.004$2.91M
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1921 New York Giants------------D+/C+$730K
1924 Brooklyn Robins------------B-/A$4.09M
1925 Brooklyn Robins------------C+/A-$5.04M
1926 Boston Braves------------C/A-$5.16M
1927 Boston Braves----B/D-------B/C-$3.99M
1928 Boston Braves----D-/C-------D+/B$2.91M

The entire playing career for Eddie Brown is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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