Dick Burrus

Eligible Seasons: 1919-1928
Best Season: 1925

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Hitting Stats
1919 Philadelphia Athletics1B702061941750340823259119.13.4$882K
1920 Philadelphia Athletics1B71143135112580010037527.21.6$375K
1925 Boston Braves1B152652588822004145878929513108.06.9$5.13M
1926 Boston Braves1B13154048659131211361461637257.64.1$2.56M
1927 Boston Braves1B72248220227083032341017133.95.8$1.35M
1928 Boston Braves1B6415913715376031311819221.35.4$737K
Advanced Hitting Stats
1919 Philadelphia Athletics1B70206194.25896.255.29488.292.31488.325.60988.618.000$882K
1920 Philadelphia Athletics1B71143135.18565.177.22565.218.24463.243.47064.461.000$375K
1925 Boston Braves1B152652588.340117.324.396114.386.449108.433.845111.818.009$5.13M
1926 Boston Braves1B131540486.27096.261.32496.319.33587.334.65991.653.006$2.56M
1927 Boston Braves1B72248220.318113.308.370109.365.38299.380.752104.745.000$1.35M
1928 Boston Braves1B64159137.27096.261.367107.359.38096.373.747101.732.022$737K
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1919 Philadelphia Athletics----C-/D-------D/D-$882K
1920 Philadelphia Athletics----C/D-------D-/D-$375K
1925 Boston Braves----B-/C+--------$5.13M
1926 Boston Braves----B-/D--------$2.56M
1927 Boston Braves----D-/D---------$1.35M
1928 Boston Braves----D/D--------$737K

The entire playing career for Dick Burrus is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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