Vin Campbell

Eligible Seasons: 1910-1915
Best Season: 1912

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Hitting Stats
1910 Pittsburgh PiratesOF9732428242929542117152326454.97.4$2.42M
1911 Pittsburgh PiratesOF42103931229310106578014.55.8$618K
1912 Boston BravesOF14568162410218532934819164432388.75.1$4.26M
1914 Indianapolis Hoosier-FedsOF13459754492173231174426224737697.36.7$4.23M
1915 Newark PeppersOF12756652578163181014424253529579.75.6$3.60M
Advanced Hitting Stats
1910 Pittsburgh PiratesOF97324282.326128.330.391119.391.436129.460.827124.851.014$2.42M
1911 Pittsburgh PiratesOF4210393.312120.313.366109.363.366103.379.732106.742.000$618K
1912 Boston BravesOF145681624.296109.291.33498.328.391106.398.725102.726.005$4.26M
1914 Indianapolis Hoosier-FedsOF134597544.318121.318.368112.369.439124.454.807118.822.013$4.23M
1915 Newark PeppersOF127566525.310122.315.352110.357.389114.410.741112.767.002$3.60M
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1910 Pittsburgh Pirates------------D-/A-$2.42M
1911 Pittsburgh Pirates------------D/C$618K
1912 Boston Braves------------D/A$4.26M
1914 Indianapolis Hoosier-Feds------------D/C-$4.23M
1915 Newark Peppers------------D/D+$3.60M

The entire playing career for Vin Campbell is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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