Jim Canavan

Eligible Seasons: 1891-1897
Best Season: 1891

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Hitting Stats
1891 Cincinnati Kelly's KillersSS1014584267497131476621164427550.23.9$3.52M
1891 Milwaukee BrewersSS35158142333824321751016022.15.4$4.16M
1892 Chicago Colts2B1184874394873101103233184848033.52.3$2.26M
1893 Cincinnati RedsOF1215144616510413756431222051253.73.8$3.21M
1894 Cincinnati RedsOF1014183567797169137013142562073.47.2$2.99M
1897 Brooklyn Bridegrooms2B632692402552932349102026225.43.4$1.22M
Advanced Hitting Stats
1891 Cincinnati Kelly's KillersSS101458426.22889.231.28283.278.373108.393.65596.670.016$3.52M
1891 Milwaukee BrewersSS35158142.268105.271.342101.337.401117.421.743109.759.021$4.16M
1892 Chicago Colts2B118487439.16668.173.24878.254.23973.261.48876.515.000$2.26M
1893 Cincinnati RedsOF121514461.22681.218.30586.293.31783.318.62285.611.011$3.21M
1894 Cincinnati RedsOF101418356.27288.250.380100.355.478110.450.858105.805.037$2.99M
1897 Brooklyn Bridegrooms2B63269240.21774.204.29984.287.30479.302.60381.589.008$1.22M
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1891 Cincinnati Kelly's Killers------D-/C--D/C--$3.52M
1891 Milwaukee Brewers------D-/C--D/B--$4.16M
1892 Chicago Colts------D/C--D/D-D/C-$2.26M
1893 Cincinnati Reds------D-/D-D/D---C-/B$3.21M
1894 Cincinnati Reds----D-/D-D-/D-D-/D-D-/D-D/C-$2.99M
1897 Brooklyn Bridegrooms------D/D-------$1.22M

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