Dave Chalk

Eligible Seasons: 1973-1980
Best Season: 1975

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Hitting Stats
1973 California AngelsSS247969141620060013916.33.0$297K
1974 California AngelsSS133515465441179353110105730741.22.9$2.75M
1975 California Angels3B14960151359140242356694966264.14.3$3.99M
1976 California AngelsSS14251243839951410330062491035.92.7$2.34M
1977 California Angels3B149591519581442723451286952564.74.3$3.28M
1978 California AngelsSS13552747042119120134583438743.13.1$2.16M
1979 Oakland Athletics2B66250212154760213211429120.23.1$913K
1980 Kansas City Royals3B691901671942101120112718218.93.8$789K
Advanced Hitting Stats
1973 California AngelsSS247969.23289.233.329100.329.26168.261.59083.591.000$297K
1974 California AngelsSS133515465.25297.254.30494.307.31685.321.62089.628.011$2.75M
1975 California Angels3B149601513.273106.275.353108.353.34591.347.69899.700.006$3.99M
1976 California AngelsSS142512438.21785.220.30896.312.25370.262.56182.574.000$2.34M
1977 California Angels3B149591519.277104.276.345105.345.35588.344.70095.688.006$3.28M
1978 California AngelsSS135527470.25397.254.31897.319.28574.284.60385.603.002$2.16M
1979 Oakland Athletics2B66250212.22282.219.31795.314.27868.267.59580.582.009$913K
1980 Kansas City Royals3B69190167.25193.248.32698.325.34186.333.66891.658.006$789K
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1973 California Angels----------B-/C--$297K
1974 California Angels--------B/CD/C---$2.75M
1975 California Angels--------A/C+----$3.99M
1976 California Angels--------A/C-B/D--$2.34M
1977 California Angels------D-/D-C/CD-/D---$3.28M
1978 California Angels------C/D-A/D-C/D--$2.16M
1979 Oakland Athletics------A/D-B/D-B/D---$913K
1980 Kansas City Royals------B/D-B+/D-D-/D---$789K
Player Awards
TeamAll-StarMVPGold GloveRookie of the YearCy YoungReliever of the YearSalary
1973 California Angels      $297K
1974 California AngelsX     $2.75M
1975 California AngelsX     $3.99M
1976 California Angels      $2.34M
1977 California Angels      $3.28M
1978 California Angels      $2.16M
1979 Oakland Athletics      $913K
1980 Kansas City Royals      $789K

The entire playing career for Dave Chalk is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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