Mike Andrews

Eligible Seasons: 1967-1973
Best Season: 1969

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Hitting Stats
1967 Boston Red Sox2B14257849479130200840777262262.74.3$3.57M
1968 Boston Red Sox2B14763453677145221745385781374.74.8$4.41M
1969 Boston Red Sox2B121554464791362621559115371587.86.8$4.63M
1970 Boston Red Sox2B151681589911492811765216381383.84.8$3.84M
1971 Chicago White Sox2B10940833045931601247353667162.26.6$2.75M
1972 Chicago White Sox2B14860250558111180750227870253.53.4$2.81M
1973 Chicago White SoxDH52185159103290010012823012.12.4$530K
Advanced Hitting Stats
1967 Boston Red Sox2B142578494.263112.277.346114.360.352100.367.699107.727.016$3.57M
1968 Boston Red Sox2B147634536.271118.288.368124.385.354104.376.723113.761.013$4.41M
1969 Boston Red Sox2B121554464.293119.302.390121.394.455123.462.844122.856.032$4.63M
1970 Boston Red Sox2B151681589.253101.259.344107.348.390103.392.735105.740.029$3.84M
1971 Chicago White Sox2B109408330.282114.290.400126.407.439121.449.840123.856.036$2.75M
1972 Chicago White Sox2B148602505.22092.230.313102.325.29787.315.61094.640.014$2.81M
1973 Chicago White SoxDH52185159.20178.203.30292.302.25868.258.56079.561.000$530K
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1967 Boston Red Sox------C+/C--D/D---$3.57M
1968 Boston Red Sox------C+/B-C/C-D/D---$4.41M
1969 Boston Red Sox------C/A-------$4.63M
1970 Boston Red Sox------C/D+------$3.84M
1971 Chicago White Sox----D/D-D/C-------$2.75M
1972 Chicago White Sox----D/D-C/D------$2.81M
1973 Chicago White Sox----D/D-D-/D-D-/D-----$530K
Player Awards
TeamAll-StarMVPGold GloveRookie of the YearCy YoungReliever of the YearSalary
1967 Boston Red Sox      $3.57M
1968 Boston Red Sox      $4.41M
1969 Boston Red SoxX     $4.63M
1970 Boston Red Sox      $3.84M
1971 Chicago White Sox      $2.75M
1972 Chicago White Sox      $2.81M
1973 Chicago White Sox      $530K

The entire playing career for Mike Andrews is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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