Harry Danning

Eligible Seasons: 1934-1942
Best Season: 1939

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Hitting Stats
1934 New York GiantsC53999783270171291012.24.8$836K
1935 New York GiantsC65163152163711122000169015.33.4$1.29M
1936 New York GiantsC3274693112204005112.1.9$522K
1937 New York GiantsC933122923084124851002018140.65.0$2.66M
1938 New York GiantsC12047644859137263960124023464.35.3$3.61M
1939 New York GiantsC135563520791632851674484235288.16.3$5.15M
1940 New York GiantsC140566524651573441391373135579.45.5$4.75M
1941 New York GiantsC13049345958112224756122530146.03.4$3.39M
1942 New York GiantsC11944540845114203134362934046.34.0$2.87M
Advanced Hitting Stats
1934 New York GiantsC539997.330118.321.337101.335.433110.427.770106.762.010$836K
1935 New York GiantsC65163152.24388.237.28686.285.36894.364.65491.649.013$1.29M
1936 New York GiantsC327469.15957.154.18355.181.24664.245.42959.426.000$522K
1937 New York GiantsC93312292.288106.283.331100.330.438115.438.770108.768.027$2.66M
1938 New York GiantsC120476448.306114.303.345105.345.438116.441.783111.786.020$3.61M
1939 New York GiantsC135563520.313115.308.359107.356.479124.477.838116.833.031$5.15M
1940 New York GiantsC140566524.300114.299.349107.351.454121.458.803114.808.025$4.75M
1941 New York GiantsC130493459.24494.246.29289.293.35598.365.64794.658.015$3.39M
1942 New York GiantsC119445408.279112.287.335105.340.350102.370.685104.710.002$2.87M
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1934 New York Giants--B/D-/C-----------$836K
1935 New York Giants--C/D/B----------$1.29M
1936 New York Giants--B/D/C+----------$522K
1937 New York Giants--C+/C/B+----------$2.66M
1938 New York Giants--B-/C-/C----------$3.61M
1939 New York Giants--B+/C/A-----------$5.15M
1940 New York Giants--C/B/B+----------$4.75M
1941 New York Giants--A/B/A-D-/D---------$3.39M
1942 New York Giants--C/C/C----------$2.87M
Player Awards
TeamAll-StarMVPGold GloveRookie of the YearCy YoungReliever of the YearSalary
1934 New York Giants      $836K
1935 New York Giants      $1.29M
1936 New York Giants      $522K
1937 New York Giants      $2.66M
1938 New York GiantsX     $3.61M
1939 New York GiantsX     $5.15M
1940 New York GiantsX     $4.75M
1941 New York GiantsX     $3.39M
1942 New York Giants      $2.87M

The entire playing career for Harry Danning is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

For information regarding statistical abbreviations, please View the Statistics Legend

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