Jumbo Davis

Eligible Seasons: 1886-1890
Best Season: 1887

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Hitting Stats
1886 Baltimore Orioles3B602292162342521201281711215.32.2$1.09M
1887 Baltimore Orioles3B130518485811502319810949234528595.17.2$4.61M
1888 Kansas City Cowboys3B1215174917013122836142234420662.74.4$3.80M
1889 Kansas City Cowboys3B6226024140644303025133517229.44.2$1.51M
1890 Brooklyn Gladiators3B3816114233439222810101315427.87.2$1.76M
1890 St. Louis Browns3B21807181831013556909.44.5$411K
Advanced Hitting Stats
1886 Baltimore Orioles3B60229216.19480.203.24079.250.25077.275.49078.525.005$1.09M
1887 Baltimore Orioles3B130518485.309113.304.353105.349.485132.493.838119.842.016$4.61M
1888 Kansas City Cowboys3B121517491.267112.279.304102.320.363115.397.666109.716.006$3.80M
1889 Kansas City Cowboys3B62260241.266102.266.31996.317.30787.320.62691.637.000$1.51M
1890 Brooklyn Gladiators3B38161142.303120.308.385117.385.437132.463.822124.848.014$1.76M
1890 St. Louis Browns3B218071.254100.258.338102.337.32498.348.661100.685.000$411K
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1886 Baltimore Orioles--------D/B-----$1.09M
1887 Baltimore Orioles--------D/A-D/C---$4.61M
1888 Kansas City Cowboys--------D/A+D-/D--$3.80M
1889 Kansas City Cowboys--------D-/A+D-/D-D-/B-$1.51M
1890 Brooklyn Gladiators--------D-/A-----$1.76M
1890 St. Louis Browns--------D-/A----$411K

The entire playing career for Jumbo Davis is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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