Tom Downey

Eligible Seasons: 1909-1915
Best Season: 1914

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Hitting Stats
1909 Cincinnati RedsSS11946841639969613216173632140.53.2$2.20M
1910 Cincinnati RedsSS111432378431029323212152834347.54.4$2.32M
1911 Cincinnati RedsSS111416360509416703610123844249.34.7$2.14M
1912 Philadelphia Phillies3B54207171275063123332021027.45.8$1.15M
1914 Buffalo Feds2B1516055416911820324235285540150.13.0$2.91M
1915 Buffalo Feds2B9231628224569111911122626122.72.6$1.28M
Advanced Hitting Stats
1909 Cincinnati RedsSS119468416.23195.240.28793.296.28892.320.57692.616.002$2.20M
1910 Cincinnati RedsSS111432378.270106.273.335102.335.32596.347.66099.682.005$2.32M
1911 Cincinnati RedsSS111416360.261101.262.345103.342.34497.357.689100.699.000$2.14M
1912 Philadelphia Phillies3B54207171.292107.287.370109.364.380103.387.750106.751.006$1.15M
1914 Buffalo Feds2B151605541.21883.218.27383.274.27778.289.55081.563.004$2.91M
1915 Buffalo Feds2B92316282.19978.202.26984.272.24873.265.51778.538.004$1.28M
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1909 Cincinnati Reds--D-/A/D-----------$2.20M
1910 Cincinnati Reds--------D/A+D/C---$2.32M
1911 Cincinnati Reds----D-/D-D/DD/D+D/C-D/C-$2.14M
1912 Philadelphia Phillies------D-/D-D/C-D-/D---$1.15M
1914 Buffalo Feds------C/CC/D+C/D+--$2.91M
1915 Buffalo Feds----D-/DD/C+A/DD/D---$1.28M

The entire playing career for Tom Downey is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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