Mal Eason

Eligible Seasons: 1901-1906
Best Season: 1906

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Pitching Stats
1901 Chicago Orphans27258170220.26068883.594.054.34.2801.391.132.772.450.37$4.54M
1902 Boston Beaneaters27269110206.15950632.753.994.49.2771.430.852.182.570.17$4.13M
1903 Detroit Tigers7625056.11921213.363.934.41.2731.401.113.363.040.16$1.06M
1905 Brooklyn Superbas27275210207.07264994.304.264.69.2921.460.892.783.130.22$3.60M
1906 Brooklyn Superbas342610171227.07464823.$5.27M
Hitting Stats
1901 Chicago OrphansP2789874121006135102.1.7$4.54M
1902 Boston BeaneatersP278172460003003211.1.4$4.13M
1903 Detroit TigersP7202002000000100.2.3$1.06M
1905 Brooklyn SuperbasP2785814140005136203.01.2$3.60M
1906 Brooklyn SuperbasP349388582001004401.5.5$5.27M
Advanced Hitting Stats
1901 Chicago OrphansP278987.13852.137.14846.150.14943.159.29744.309.000$4.54M
1902 Boston BeaneatersP278172.08332.084.12038.124.08326.094.20332.218.000$4.13M
1903 Detroit TigersP72020.10039.102.10033.105.10029.108.20031.213.000$1.06M
1905 Brooklyn SuperbasP278581.17368.176.19361.198.17352.189.36657.387.000$3.60M
1906 Brooklyn SuperbasP349388.09137.095.13042.135.11437.130.24439.266.000$5.27M
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1901 Chicago OrphansC/B-------------$4.54M
1902 Boston BeaneatersC/B------------$4.13M
1903 Detroit TigersB/A-------------$1.06M
1905 Brooklyn SuperbasC+/C------------$3.60M
1906 Brooklyn SuperbasA+/B-------------$5.27M

The entire playing career for Mal Eason is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

For information regarding statistical abbreviations, please View the Statistics Legend

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