Clyde Engle

Eligible Seasons: 1909-1915
Best Season: 1909

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Hitting Stats
1909 New York HighlandersOF1355634926613720537118184547570.15.0$3.93M
1910 Boston Red Sox3B106408363599618723812143331249.04.7$2.54M
1911 Boston Red Sox1B1465875145813913324824324651666.74.5$2.76M
1912 Boston Red Sox1B5820717132405301812121428223.04.5$943K
1913 Boston Red Sox1B14356949875144171225028334153580.75.8$3.52M
1914 Boston Red Sox1B591511341426200949111417.41.6$524K
1914 Buffalo Feds1B32127110122841012541811113.34.1$596K
1915 Buffalo Feds3B1415515015613122837124214334363.14.3$3.60M
Advanced Hitting Stats
1909 New York HighlandersOF135563492.278114.288.347115.361.358116.395.705115.756.006$3.93M
1910 Boston Red Sox3B106408363.264109.274.326106.336.369118.404.695112.741.006$2.54M
1911 Boston Red Sox1B146587514.27099.265.343102.339.31989.330.66295.669.004$2.76M
1912 Boston Red Sox1B58207171.23488.233.348105.346.29886.314.64795.660.000$943K
1913 Boston Red Sox1B143569498.289113.293.363112.365.384114.407.747113.772.004$3.52M
1914 Boston Red Sox1B59151134.19478.200.27586.280.20965.231.48475.511.000$524K
1914 Buffalo Feds1B32127110.25597.254.328100.329.30987.322.63793.650.000$596K
1915 Buffalo Feds3B141551501.261103.265.31297.316.355104.376.668101.693.006$3.60M
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1909 New York Highlanders------------D+/A$3.93M
1910 Boston Red Sox------C/D-D+/A-D-/D-D/B$2.54M
1911 Boston Red Sox----D/D--D-/B----$2.76M
1912 Boston Red Sox----D/D-D-/D-D/D-D-/D-D-/D-$943K
1913 Boston Red Sox----C/D-------D-/D-$3.52M
1914 Boston Red Sox----D/B+D-/D-D/D---D-/D+$524K
1914 Buffalo Feds----D/B-D-/D-D/D---D-/D+$596K
1915 Buffalo Feds----D+/CB/D-C/B--C+/B$3.60M

The entire playing career for Clyde Engle is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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