Nick Etten

Eligible Seasons: 1938-1946
Best Season: 1944

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Hitting Stats
1938 Philadelphia Athletics1B229081621620111079011.34.8$372K
1939 Philadelphia Athletics1B431741552039112329001116020.14.4$849K
1941 Philadelphia Phillies1B15162754078168274147991433823105.77.2$4.60M
1942 Philadelphia Phillies1B13953145937121213841352667065.65.0$3.03M
1943 New York Yankees1B1546655837815835514107373176086.75.1$4.49M
1944 New York Yankees1B1546805738816825422914229974111.07.0$5.39M
1945 New York Yankees1B1526635657716124418111232390495.76.0$5.10M
1946 New York Yankees1B1083643233775141949013538138.33.9$1.96M
Advanced Hitting Stats
1938 Philadelphia Athletics1B229081.25992.250.33393.319.38392.367.71693.686.000$372K
1939 Philadelphia Athletics1B43174155.25290.244.32291.311.406100.394.72896.704.019$849K
1941 Philadelphia Phillies1B151627540.311120.313.405124.406.454126.465.859125.871.026$4.60M
1942 Philadelphia Phillies1B139531459.264106.271.357112.363.375109.395.732111.758.017$3.03M
1943 New York Yankees1B154665583.271109.278.355110.359.420123.442.775117.801.024$4.49M
1944 New York Yankees1B154680573.293113.295.399123.401.466132.482.865128.883.038$5.39M
1945 New York Yankees1B152663565.285112.289.387119.389.437127.457.824123.846.032$5.10M
1946 New York Yankees1B108364323.23291.235.31596.315.365100.374.68098.690.028$1.96M
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1938 Philadelphia Athletics----D+/C+--------$372K
1939 Philadelphia Athletics----C+/C---------$849K
1941 Philadelphia Phillies----D/D--------$4.60M
1942 Philadelphia Phillies----D+/D+--------$3.03M
1943 New York Yankees----C/B---------$4.49M
1944 New York Yankees----C/B---------$5.39M
1945 New York Yankees----C/B+--------$5.10M
1946 New York Yankees----B-/C+--------$1.96M
Player Awards
TeamAll-StarMVPGold GloveRookie of the YearCy YoungReliever of the YearSalary
1938 Philadelphia Athletics      $372K
1939 Philadelphia Athletics      $849K
1941 Philadelphia Phillies      $4.60M
1942 Philadelphia Phillies      $3.03M
1943 New York Yankees      $4.49M
1944 New York Yankees      $5.39M
1945 New York YankeesX     $5.10M
1946 New York Yankees      $1.96M

The entire playing career for Nick Etten is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

For information regarding statistical abbreviations, please View the Statistics Legend

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