Phil Geier

Eligible Seasons: 1896-1904
Best Season: 1904

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Hitting Stats
1896 Philadelphia PhilliesOF17655612130106327616.03.5$270K
1897 Philadelphia PhilliesOF9238031651886213519202856349.85.6$2.38M
1900 Cincinnati RedsOF3012311318291401032107112.83.9$678K
1901 Philadelphia AthleticsOF50238211424952023761824121.53.4$1.15M
1904 Boston BeaneatersOF1496475807014117212718165156460.13.5$3.11M
Advanced Hitting Stats
1896 Philadelphia PhilliesOF176556.23280.220.31790.305.26869.266.58579.571.000$270K
1897 Philadelphia PhilliesOF92380316.27895.264.392111.379.32083.318.71296.696.003$2.38M
1900 Cincinnati RedsOF30123113.25792.249.30690.301.33692.344.64291.645.000$678K
1901 Philadelphia AthleticsOF50238211.23284.226.31494.312.27574.280.58884.591.000$1.15M
1904 Boston BeaneatersOF149647580.24398.249.314103.325.28488.312.59995.637.002$3.11M
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1896 Philadelphia Phillies--D-/D/D-----------$270K
1897 Philadelphia Phillies------C-/DD-/D-D-/D-D+/D+$2.38M
1900 Cincinnati Reds--------D/D--D+/B+$678K
1901 Philadelphia Athletics--------D/D-D-/D-C-/D+$1.15M
1904 Boston Beaneaters------D-/D-D/D-D-/D-D/C+$3.11M

The entire playing career for Phil Geier is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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