Frank Gibson

Eligible Seasons: 1913-1927
Best Season: 1924

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Hitting Stats
1913 Detroit TigersC236257881002229312.21.2$200K
1921 Boston BravesC6313312514335421300173215.74.3$1.51M
1922 Boston BravesC66179164154972320412710024.75.4$1.99M
1923 Boston BravesC41575013151005027706.34.3$346K
1924 Boston BravesC902412292571156130112310135.35.7$2.63M
1925 Boston BravesC1043413163688235250332815140.74.5$2.42M
1927 Boston BravesC601731677371201924103010.52.1$1.11M
Advanced Hitting Stats
1913 Detroit TigersC236257.14055.142.19760.198.15847.172.35554.370.000$200K
1921 Boston BravesC63133125.26491.251.29286.288.416105.409.70896.696.016$1.51M
1922 Boston BravesC66179164.299102.283.33997.329.421104.410.760101.739.018$1.99M
1923 Boston BravesC415750.300105.288.386113.379.32081.314.70696.693.000$346K
1924 Boston BravesC90241229.310110.299.342101.338.441113.436.783107.774.004$2.63M
1925 Boston BravesC104341316.27896.264.31390.304.40297.386.71594.690.006$2.42M
1927 Boston BravesC60173167.22279.213.23569.231.25165.250.48767.481.000$1.11M
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1913 Detroit Tigers--C/D/D----------$200K
1921 Boston Braves--C+/D/A----------$1.51M
1922 Boston Braves--C+/D/AD/D---------$1.99M
1923 Boston Braves--D-/D-/D----------$346K
1924 Boston Braves--C-/C/A+D-/D---D-/D-----$2.63M
1925 Boston Braves--C-/D/BD-/D---------$2.42M
1927 Boston Braves--D+/D/B----------$1.11M

The entire playing career for Frank Gibson is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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