Marcus Giles

Eligible Seasons: 2001-2007
Best Season: 2003

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Hitting Stats
2001 Atlanta Braves2B682732443664102931253728032.94.5$1.72M
2002 Atlanta Braves2B682422132749101823114125226.84.1$1.54M
2003 Atlanta Braves2B1456355511011744922169144805911118.27.9$6.84M
2004 Atlanta Braves2B102434379611182228481747036968.36.6$3.34M
2005 Atlanta Braves2B1526545771041684541563163108645100.16.2$5.66M
2006 Atlanta Braves2B14162655087144322116010510562674.84.6$3.84M
2007 San Diego Padres2B11647642052961934391038244342.43.3$3.02M
Advanced Hitting Stats
2001 Atlanta Braves2B68273244.262100.263.338102.337.430101.408.769102.746.037$1.72M
2002 Atlanta Braves2B68242213.23089.232.31595.314.39997.385.71496.699.038$1.54M
2003 Atlanta Braves2B145635551.316121.316.390118.389.526126.508.917122.897.038$6.84M
2004 Atlanta Braves2B102434379.311119.311.378114.376.443105.422.821109.799.021$3.34M
2005 Atlanta Braves2B152654577.291111.292.365110.364.461111.445.826111.808.026$5.66M
2006 Atlanta Braves2B141626550.26299.261.341102.339.38791.365.72996.704.020$3.84M
2007 San Diego Padres2B116476420.22986.227.30491.302.31775.299.62182.601.010$3.02M
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
2001 Atlanta Braves------C+/C-------$1.72M
2002 Atlanta Braves------C+/AC/B+----$1.54M
2003 Atlanta Braves------B/A+------$6.84M
2004 Atlanta Braves------C/B-------$3.34M
2005 Atlanta Braves------B/BC+/C-----$5.66M
2006 Atlanta Braves------B/C------$3.84M
2007 San Diego Padres------B+/A-------$3.02M
Player Awards
TeamAll-StarMVPGold GloveRookie of the YearCy YoungReliever of the YearSalary
2001 Atlanta Braves      $1.72M
2002 Atlanta Braves      $1.54M
2003 Atlanta BravesX     $6.84M
2004 Atlanta Braves      $3.34M
2005 Atlanta Braves      $5.66M
2006 Atlanta Braves      $3.84M
2007 San Diego Padres      $3.02M

The entire playing career for Marcus Giles is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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