Leo Gomez

Eligible Seasons: 1991-1996
Best Season: 1994

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Hitting Stats
1991 Baltimore Orioles3B11844539140911721645118240248.34.1$2.01M
1992 Baltimore Orioles3B137552468621242401764237863872.35.3$3.54M
1993 Baltimore Orioles3B712842443048701025016032327.23.5$1.45M
1994 Baltimore Orioles3B8433328546782001556005541355.06.8$3.76M
1995 Baltimore Orioles3B53149127163050412012318217.44.5$653K
1996 Chicago Cubs3B13642736244861901756149453754.85.0$2.18M
Advanced Hitting Stats
1991 Baltimore Orioles3B118445391.23389.234.30292.302.409104.403.71198.705.041$2.01M
1992 Baltimore Orioles3B137552468.265102.267.356109.357.425110.424.782110.781.036$3.54M
1993 Baltimore Orioles3B71284244.19774.195.29588.291.34885.336.64486.628.041$1.45M
1994 Baltimore Orioles3B84333285.274100.269.366106.358.502116.475.868111.833.053$3.76M
1995 Baltimore Orioles3B53149127.23687.233.33698.328.37087.349.70692.677.031$653K
1996 Chicago Cubs3B136427362.23890.238.344104.344.431106.418.775105.761.047$2.18M
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1991 Baltimore Orioles----A+/D---A/D-----$2.01M
1992 Baltimore Orioles--------C+/C+----$3.54M
1993 Baltimore Orioles--------B-/B+----$1.45M
1994 Baltimore Orioles----A+/D--A/C+----$3.76M
1995 Baltimore Orioles----A+/D---A/D-----$653K
1996 Chicago Cubs----A+/D---A/D-D-/D---$2.18M

The entire playing career for Leo Gomez is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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