Mike Greenwell

Eligible Seasons: 1987-1996
Best Season: 1988

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Hitting Stats
1987 Boston Red SoxOF125456412711353161989544035690.38.2$3.75M
1988 Boston Red SoxOF158693590861923982211916838879134.08.4$6.22M
1989 Boston Red SoxOF1456415788717836014951354456390.95.7$4.11M
1990 Boston Red SoxOF159682610711813061473874365493.85.5$4.28M
1991 Boston Red SoxOF147598544761632669831553543380.85.3$3.90M
1992 Boston Red SoxOF49202180164220218231918214.42.6$915K
1993 Boston Red SoxOF146603540771703861372544654494.86.5$4.78M
1994 Boston Red SoxOF9537432760882511145222638449.95.3$3.25M
1995 Boston Red SoxOF120525481671432541576953538272.35.4$3.62M
1996 Boston Red SoxOF773182953587201744402718241.75.1$1.77M
Advanced Hitting Stats
1987 Boston Red SoxOF125456412.328124.326.386116.384.570134.548.956126.932.046$3.75M
1988 Boston Red SoxOF158693590.325125.327.416128.418.531136.526.946132.944.037$6.22M
1989 Boston Red SoxOF145641578.308118.309.370114.371.443115.442.813115.814.024$4.11M
1990 Boston Red SoxOF159682610.297115.299.367112.367.434112.432.801112.799.023$4.28M
1991 Boston Red SoxOF147598544.300115.301.350106.350.419106.413.769106.763.017$3.90M
1992 Boston Red SoxOF49202180.23390.235.30793.307.27872.277.58582.584.011$915K
1993 Boston Red SoxOF146603540.315118.313.379112.375.480118.466.859115.841.024$4.78M
1994 Boston Red SoxOF95374327.26999.264.348101.340.453104.426.800103.766.034$3.25M
1995 Boston Red SoxOF120525481.297110.293.349101.341.459108.436.808105.777.031$3.62M
1996 Boston Red SoxOF77318295.295106.287.33696.326.44199.409.77798.735.024$1.77M
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1987 Boston Red Sox--D-/D-/D-----------$3.75M
1988 Boston Red Sox------------B-/D+$6.22M
1989 Boston Red Sox------------D+/D-$4.11M
1990 Boston Red Sox------------C/D$4.28M
1991 Boston Red Sox------------B+/D+$3.90M
1992 Boston Red Sox------------A+/D+$915K
1993 Boston Red Sox------------A/C-$4.78M
1994 Boston Red Sox------------A/D+$3.25M
1995 Boston Red Sox------------C/D+$3.62M
1996 Boston Red Sox------------C/D+$1.77M
Player Awards
TeamAll-StarMVPGold GloveRookie of the YearCy YoungReliever of the YearSalary
1987 Boston Red Sox      $3.75M
1988 Boston Red SoxX     $6.22M
1989 Boston Red SoxX     $4.11M
1990 Boston Red Sox      $4.28M
1991 Boston Red Sox      $3.90M
1992 Boston Red Sox      $915K
1993 Boston Red Sox      $4.78M
1994 Boston Red Sox      $3.25M
1995 Boston Red Sox      $3.62M
1996 Boston Red Sox      $1.77M

The entire playing career for Mike Greenwell is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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