Joe Hauser

Eligible Seasons: 1922-1928
Best Season: 1923

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Hitting Stats
1922 Philadelphia Athletics1B11140836861119215943153730268.06.8$2.92M
1923 Philadelphia Athletics1B14663453793165219179466526912108.87.3$5.46M
1924 Philadelphia Athletics1B14963456297162318271157552565108.46.8$5.43M
1926 Philadelphia Athletics1B912752293144100836113539127.83.8$1.43M
1928 Philadelphia Athletics1B9536630061781951659424552062.27.1$2.55M
Advanced Hitting Stats
1922 Philadelphia Athletics1B111408368.323114.311.378108.367.481121.473.858115.840.024$2.92M
1923 Philadelphia Athletics1B146634537.307109.296.398113.386.475122.472.873118.858.032$5.46M
1924 Philadelphia Athletics1B149634562.28899.274.358100.343.516130.508.874116.851.048$5.43M
1926 Philadelphia Athletics1B91275229.19268.185.31289.302.34187.336.65388.638.035$1.43M
1928 Philadelphia Athletics1B95366300.26093.251.369107.362.517130.509.886120.871.053$2.55M
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1922 Philadelphia Athletics----D+/B---------$2.92M
1923 Philadelphia Athletics----B-/A---------$5.46M
1924 Philadelphia Athletics----B/A---------$5.43M
1926 Philadelphia Athletics----A/C--------$1.43M
1928 Philadelphia Athletics----C-/C--------$2.55M

The entire playing career for Joe Hauser is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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