Joe Hornung

Eligible Seasons: 1885-1890
Best Season: 1887

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Hitting Stats
1885 Boston BeaneatersOF25110109142241176320106.51.9$642K
1886 Boston BeaneatersOF944344246710912224016136210038.93.2$3.70M
1887 Boston BeaneatersOF984574378511810654941202817354.84.4$3.77M
1888 Boston BeaneatersOF1074494316110311735329173916242.23.3$2.61M
1889 Baltimore OriolesOF1355625337312213917834217222748.73.0$3.12M
1890 New York GiantsOF1205275136212218506539243712244.92.9$3.08M
Advanced Hitting Stats
1885 Boston BeaneatersOF25110109.20284.211.20974.227.28488.311.49381.538.009$642K
1886 Boston BeaneatersOF94434424.257102.263.27492.288.30990.327.58391.615.005$3.70M
1887 Boston BeaneatersOF98457437.270100.267.30292.303.35593.355.65793.658.011$3.77M
1888 Boston BeaneatersOF107449431.239100.251.26995.290.31898.345.58797.636.007$2.61M
1889 Baltimore OriolesOF135562533.22988.229.26981.267.29383.305.56182.572.002$3.12M
1890 New York GiantsOF120527513.23894.242.25878.258.29285.311.55082.569.000$3.08M
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1885 Boston Beaneaters------------C/D-$642K
1886 Boston Beaneaters------------B/B+$3.70M
1887 Boston Beaneaters------------C/B+$3.77M
1888 Boston Beaneaters------------C+/D$2.61M
1889 Baltimore Orioles--------D-/D--D+/B+$3.12M
1890 New York Giants----C-/B+--D/D-D-/D-C/D+$3.08M

The entire playing career for Joe Hornung is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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