Ernie Krueger

Eligible Seasons: 1917-1925
Best Season: 1919

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Hitting Stats
1917 Brooklyn RobinsC318981102222161275211.04.8$882K
1918 Brooklyn RobinsC30918742542072494011.24.6$1.59M
1919 Brooklyn RobinsC80250226245674536492519229.34.4$2.06M
1920 Brooklyn RobinsC52162146214242117201316020.85.1$1.25M
1921 Brooklyn RobinsC651781631843114320221214023.54.9$1.71M
1925 Cincinnati RedsC37968872740171286012.04.9$664K
Advanced Hitting Stats
1917 Brooklyn RobinsC318981.272109.278.330108.342.383117.411.712113.752.012$882K
1918 Brooklyn RobinsC309187.287113.292.319103.328.379116.407.698109.735.000$1.59M
1919 Brooklyn RobinsC80250226.24896.250.312100.321.381113.404.692107.724.022$2.06M
1920 Brooklyn RobinsC52162146.288107.284.358111.362.363102.376.721106.737.007$1.25M
1921 Brooklyn RobinsC65178163.26491.251.32295.317.436110.428.758103.745.018$1.71M
1925 Cincinnati RedsC379688.307105.291.351101.341.38693.371.73797.712.011$664K
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1917 Brooklyn Robins--C/B/C+----------$882K
1918 Brooklyn Robins--B/A/A+----------$1.59M
1919 Brooklyn Robins--D+/A-/B----------$2.06M
1920 Brooklyn Robins--D/C/C----------$1.25M
1921 Brooklyn Robins--C-/D+/B+----------$1.71M
1925 Cincinnati Reds--D/D-/D+----------$664K

The entire playing career for Ernie Krueger is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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