Ray Lamanno

Eligible Seasons: 1942-1948
Best Season: 1947

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Hitting Stats
1942 Cincinnati RedsC11140437140981221243005431245.94.3$2.84M
1946 Cincinnati RedsC852562391858120130002611319.62.8$1.63M
1947 Cincinnati RedsC11844841333106213550003928246.03.8$2.87M
1948 Cincinnati RedsC1274393853193120027243248235.33.1$2.19M
Advanced Hitting Stats
1942 Cincinnati RedsC111404371.264106.271.324102.330.404118.425.729110.754.032$2.84M
1946 Cincinnati RedsC85256239.24395.246.28587.285.30586.318.59086.602.004$1.63M
1947 Cincinnati RedsC118448413.25797.255.30791.303.35892.354.66591.657.012$2.87M
1948 Cincinnati RedsC127439385.24293.242.32999.327.27371.273.60184.599.000$2.19M
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1942 Cincinnati Reds--C/C/C+----------$2.84M
1946 Cincinnati Reds--C-/D+/B----------$1.63M
1947 Cincinnati Reds--B-/B+/B+----------$2.87M
1948 Cincinnati Reds--C/C/C----------$2.19M
Player Awards
TeamAll-StarMVPGold GloveRookie of the YearCy YoungReliever of the YearSalary
1942 Cincinnati Reds      $2.84M
1946 Cincinnati RedsX     $1.63M
1947 Cincinnati Reds      $2.87M
1948 Cincinnati Reds      $2.19M

The entire playing career for Ray Lamanno is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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