Charlie Abbey

Eligible Seasons: 1893-1897
Best Season: 1894

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Hitting Stats
1893 Washington SenatorsOF3112911611301401296612115.74.7$900K
1894 Washington SenatorsOF1295885239516426187101312338587109.17.7$4.99M
1895 Washington SenatorsOF132566511102141141088428204143777.35.3$3.80M
1896 Washington SenatorsOF79342301477912614916142027441.04.7$1.92M
1897 Washington SenatorsOF8033430052781483349102727442.84.9$1.98M
Advanced Hitting Stats
1893 Washington SenatorsOF31129116.25992.250.33394.320.33689.338.67091.657.000$900K
1894 Washington SenatorsOF129588523.314101.289.389103.363.472109.445.862106.808.013$4.99M
1895 Washington SenatorsOF132566511.27693.259.34094.324.38997.381.73096.705.016$3.80M
1896 Washington SenatorsOF79342301.26290.249.33194.319.35291.350.68392.669.003$1.92M
1897 Washington SenatorsOF80334300.26089.246.32993.317.390101.388.71997.705.010$1.98M
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1893 Washington Senators------------C/B-$900K
1894 Washington Senators------------D/A$4.99M
1895 Washington Senators------------D/B-$3.80M
1896 Washington SenatorsD/D----------D/D-$1.92M
1897 Washington Senators------------C/D$1.98M

The entire playing career for Charlie Abbey is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

For information regarding statistical abbreviations, please View the Statistics Legend

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