Ed Lennox

Eligible Seasons: 1909-1915
Best Season: 1914

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Hitting Stats
1909 Brooklyn Superbas3B1264974353311418924411153947259.44.7$3.09M
1910 Brooklyn Superbas3B11041836719951943327103936549.04.6$2.16M
1912 Chicago Cubs3B2710181131941116111012211.54.7$408K
1914 Pittsburgh Rebels3B1245194307113425101184192438714100.18.6$4.43M
1915 Pittsburgh Rebels3B55615311631190012709.96.8$492K
Advanced Hitting Stats
1909 Brooklyn Superbas3B126497435.262107.272.337109.346.359114.393.695111.740.005$3.09M
1910 Brooklyn Superbas3B110418367.259101.262.333102.334.357106.379.690104.713.008$2.16M
1912 Chicago Cubs3B2710181.23586.230.347102.342.34694.352.69398.694.012$408K
1914 Pittsburgh Rebels3B124519430.312118.311.414126.415.493139.508.907133.922.026$4.43M
1915 Pittsburgh Rebels3B556153.302119.306.383120.388.453133.475.836127.863.019$492K
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1909 Brooklyn Superbas--------A-/D+----$3.09M
1910 Brooklyn Superbas--------B/D-----$2.16M
1912 Chicago Cubs--------C/D-----$408K
1914 Pittsburgh Rebels--------B/D-----$4.43M
1915 Pittsburgh Rebels--------C/A+----$492K

The entire playing career for Ed Lennox is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

For information regarding statistical abbreviations, please View the Statistics Legend

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