Scott Livingstone

Eligible Seasons: 1991-1998
Best Season: 1992

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Hitting Stats
1991 Detroit Tigers3B44139127193750211212510017.44.9$694K
1992 Detroit Tigers3B11738235443100210446133621041.04.1$1.86M
1993 Detroit Tigers3B983303043989102239133219036.14.2$1.53M
1994 San Diego Padres3B57187180114912121022226018.53.5$1.13M
1995 San Diego Padres1B992131962666150532212215036.87.2$1.66M
1996 San Diego Padres1B10218117220514122001229019.14.0$794K
1998 Montreal Expos3B76118110123600121115506.82.0$287K
Advanced Hitting Stats
1991 Detroit Tigers3B44139127.291112.293.341104.341.37896.372.71999.712.016$694K
1992 Detroit Tigers3B117382354.282109.284.31997.320.37698.374.69597.694.011$1.86M
1993 Detroit Tigers3B98330304.293110.291.32897.324.35988.346.68792.671.007$1.53M
1994 San Diego Padres3B57187180.272102.270.29488.292.38392.368.67791.660.011$1.13M
1995 San Diego Padres1B99213196.337128.336.380115.379.490120.477.870118.856.026$1.66M
1996 San Diego Padres1B102181172.297113.296.331100.331.36690.354.69895.685.012$794K
1998 Montreal Expos3B76118110.20980.209.23772.236.26464.252.50168.489.000$287K
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1991 Detroit Tigers--------A/D-----$694K
1992 Detroit Tigers--------B/D-----$1.86M
1993 Detroit Tigers--------B/D-----$1.53M
1994 San Diego Padres----D/D---C/D-----$1.13M
1995 San Diego Padres----C/D-D-/D-D/D-----$1.66M
1996 San Diego Padres----B/D---D+/D-----$794K
1998 Montreal Expos----D/D+--C/D-----$287K

The entire playing career for Scott Livingstone is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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