Harry Lyons

Eligible Seasons: 1888-1893
Best Season: 1890

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Hitting Stats
1888 St. Louis BrownsOF123522499669710546336174020335.32.2$2.71M
1890 Rochester BroncosOF13361258483152111135847285227166.43.9$4.36M
1892 New York GiantsOF9644541167985205325152933138.23.1$2.22M
1893 New York GiantsOF47201187275152021107614022.34.2$1.33M
Advanced Hitting Stats
1888 St. Louis BrownsOF123522499.19482.204.23078.243.25982.287.48880.531.008$2.71M
1890 Rochester BroncosOF133612584.260103.265.29489.294.332100.357.62695.651.005$4.36M
1892 New York GiantsOF96445411.23897.247.29794.302.26080.284.55786.586.000$2.22M
1893 New York GiantsOF47201187.27398.264.32391.310.32185.322.64488.632.000$1.33M
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1888 St. Louis Browns------D-/A+D/A+D-/C+D/A+$2.71M
1890 Rochester Broncos--D-/D/D-----------$4.36M
1892 New York Giants------------D/A-$2.22M
1893 New York Giants------------D+/A$1.33M

The entire playing career for Harry Lyons is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

For information regarding statistical abbreviations, please View the Statistics Legend

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