Mike McNally

Eligible Seasons: 1915-1924
Best Season: 1921

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Hitting Stats
1915 Boston Red Sox3B235653780100027301.7.9$200K
1916 Boston Red Sox2B871511352823000996191007.31.7$475K
1917 Boston Red Sox3B4263509151002333607.65.5$392K
1920 Boston Red Sox2B9336431242805102313102431131.53.3$1.62M
1921 New York Yankees3B71240215365642124561514021.13.3$1.91M
1922 New York Yankees3B52177143203622018301416117.04.1$1.37M
1924 New York Yankees2B49796911170002115706.12.9$256K
Advanced Hitting Stats
1915 Boston Red Sox3B235653.15161.156.19660.198.18958.208.38559.406.000$200K
1916 Boston Red Sox2B87151135.17069.176.22871.231.17053.189.39862.420.000$475K
1917 Boston Red Sox3B426350.300121.308.375118.381.320100.350.695109.731.000$392K
1920 Boston Red Sox2B93364312.25690.246.32694.317.27972.277.60482.593.000$1.62M
1921 New York Yankees3B71240215.26089.246.30686.293.31276.300.61781.593.005$1.91M
1922 New York Yankees3B52177143.25288.241.33195.322.29474.287.62584.609.000$1.37M
1924 New York Yankees2B497969.24685.233.31688.302.24662.241.56274.542.000$256K
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1915 Boston Red Sox------D-/D-C/D-----$200K
1916 Boston Red Sox------C/D-C/D-D/D-C-/D-$475K
1917 Boston Red Sox------D-/D-C/BD/D---$392K
1920 Boston Red Sox----D-/DD/C---D/D---$1.62M
1921 New York Yankees------A-/A+A/A+----$1.91M
1922 New York Yankees----A+/B+C/C-A+/AD/D---$1.37M
1924 New York Yankees------A/D-B/D-C-/D---$256K

The entire playing career for Mike McNally is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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